Custom Permalinks for Blogger Posts

custom-permalinks-for-blogger-postsA permalink (or permanent link) is a URL that points to a specific blog entry after it has passed from the front page to the archives.Blogger generates this permanent link based on your post title(If the title is in English). For example if your post title is “Hello World”, the blog post’s permalink would be something like   Till date Blogger never allowed the user to control what the permalink should be but it rather assigned a permalink on it’s own.

This has now changed and Blogger now allows you to decide what the permalink of your new post should be.

Setup Custom Permalink for a new Blog Post

  1. Login to your Blogger account and compose a new post. On the Right side of the post editor, you will have a Post Settings Section. Click on the Permlink sub-section
  2. If you select the “Automatic URL” (the default option), then Blogger will generate the permalink on it’s own. If you want to specify a custom URL, opt for the “Custom URL” option and you can enter your custom post permalink over there. It will allow you to enter alphabets, hyphens and underscores. It will just ignore underscores. So I just used a combination of hyphens and alphabets to create my post permalink


  4. The Final Permalink will be something like
    http://yourblogaddress/yyyy/mm/the custom URL that you specified
    In my case it came to something like

  5. Now just publish the post like how you normally do

Can I alter Permalinks of Old Posts?

Blogger doesn’t allow you to modify the Permalinks of old posts but you can make use of this new feature on your new posts  There seems to be no limit to the length of this Custom URL at the moment but Blogger might impose some length limit in future.


  1. What a great news! :D

  2. thanks for share, I've fond this features im my dashboard

  3. pertamax gan,
    I've been waiting for this, finally appeared also custum url blogspot

  4. waw,... blogger increasingly understand what is desired by users, particularly in the case permalink

  5. greattt... I really really love blogger very much..
    thanks for blogger to give new feature of blogspot.
    so blogger can be up now.. :D

  6. thanks for share master, this is like wordpress

  7. in blogger new interface editor right?
    ic ic
    good feature :D

  8. Hello and congratulations for your great work that I follow for some time. I have a problem: when you exceed the 200 comments in a post, the new link, and more recent, are not clickable, so you can not browse the other comments. you can solve the problem?

    Thanks a lot

  9. Sorry forgot, like this post for example:

  10. Two Wows!!
    This was very much needed, i wish Blogspot had started it 2-3 years back so my blog could get benefited from this fantastic feature. Surely, this will feature would be counted when there are talks about good things in Blogger blogs :)

    Thanks for sharing this important peace of information for us bloggers who only rely on Blogspot platform.

  11. i dont want month and year also. is there any code for removing monyh and year from permalink

  12. I Dont Find It

  13. I know this method to get custom permalinks but when we choose custom permalink year and month of post also include to post URL . Is their any way to remove this from the post URL

  14. good i dont want month and year also. is there any code for removing monyh and year from permalink


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