A New Make over

Hi guys, today i have tried to improve the look of this blog. We now have a new template specially designed and coded for this blog. First of all i would like to thank my friend Klodian of Deluxe Templates for helping me in coding this template.He is just awesome. Thanks a lot buddy for your valuable help and support.. What do you think of this new make over? Give me your feedback guys :)


  1. Dear Aneesh,
    Your Blog is the Best..24/7 :))

  2. Not so bad. I like it clean like this. You have a bit more than i like white spaces, and top menu is somehow floating in Vista + IE 8. Maybe you can put those sharing buttons on some popup js window, they're huge right now. Also, use other commenting system instead of blogger, my suggestion is disqus od js-kit.
    So ... after all, i voted for second option because i like simplicity. Best regards

  3. thanks for the feedback guys. :)
    @Sasa ,
    thanks a lot.. i have fixed it now :)

  4. I think it's awesome but needs a little improvement. I mean minor edits to fix bugs, etc. So, this is what you have been working on. IS that why you haven't posted for a month?

  5. I like the new layout. I tend to use free ones that don't need to be edited but this is very nice.

  6. Looks nice.. clean and friendly.. good work!

  7. In spite of the room for improvement, it's clarity still gives it high ratings.
    All the best.

  8. This template is ok but the link should not same color with text because it is hard to see by visitor. Please change it if can.

  9. Your blog is simple and nice.Great!!

  10. Hi Aneesh looks great, I like it alot, the collors and designer is match yor other blog, weel donne All the best for you..!!

  11. Good news, I really like this new Template Aneesh, it's more friendly looking, great work....

    You can cut the blank space between the comment area and the Older Post, Home, Newer Post links....

    (I prefer not using image backgrounds...)

  12. Its cool. Simple, clean and nice.

  13. Hey it looks great...but isnt the body similar to that of psdtuts.com ??

  14. I'm sorry but I liked the other template much better. It was much more attractiv and it had a certain brand. This one is just a run of the mill common template. I love your blog, don't get me wrong, but I think this is a mistake.

  15. wow..amazing...can i add this in my blog?

  16. I love the guy who made this blog... I really love U ! U Are the best !

  17. thanks to all for the kind words and advises.

  18. Hello Aneesh. Your blog has excellent content and your template design is clean and easy on the eyes.

    I am wondering...

    The poll you inserted in this post gave me an idea. Could functionality like this somehow become an auto-comment generator? For example, say if I selected "It's just Awesome" and clicked "Vote," what if instead of just updating your poll results a comment were automatically added to this post?

    Do you know of any blogger widgets that can do this?


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