Light World Blogger Template

Light world is a Widgetified Adsense Ready Blogger Template.. This theme was actually made for Wordpress and was converted to Blogger
  • Credits
  • Designer :Andrei Luca
    Converter :Deluxe Templates
    Widgetification and tweaking:Blogger Templates

  • Integrated Features
  • 1. Integrated Adsense.You just have to fill in the template generator with your adsense pub id(Something like pub-123456789
    2.Integrated Google Analytics.You will have to enter your analytics tracking id in the widget generator
    3.Feedburner RSS Subscription : You have to enter the feedburner Feed Url in the template generator for this to work.

    4.An About Page - If you already have an about page, then fill the template generator with the url of your About page..
    5.A recent posts widget is auto added to your template..I think this would be a nice addition..For this to work you will have to enter the blog url in the template generator
    All of these 5 integrations are optional.If you don't want the integrated Features just dont fill the template generator's options.. Just click the generate button..
    6.Integrated Social Bookmarking Icons
    7.Integrated Label Cloud
    8.Integrated BreadCrumbs
    If you fill in the options you will get all features integrated into your template..

    Adsense Ads are very well optimized.This generator will generate a template which will show adsense ads below the post,below the post's title,on the sidebar and also a link unit..
  • Where to get the Analytics Tracking Id
  • 1.If you havent signed up for analytics you can signup at
    2.Now create your website profile.
    3.In google analytics home page all of your sites will be displayed..
    4.Near every site name you will find something like UA-123456
    5.This is the Tracking code for analytics..

    Now use this Template generator and generate the template code..
    Now you can paste this template into your Blogger Dash Board >Edit Html page
  • Demo | Download using the generator below

  • Note:if you are using blogger's builtin adsense widgets please remove them before installing..(Actually first make your blog adsense free..then install this template).The template generated here will comply to the Adsense TOS it will have atmost 3 adsense for content and one adsense link unit on a page..If you wish you can add more adsense widgets..When you add adsense HTML widgets please make sure that you dont violate the Adsense TOS
  • Terms Of Use
  • This theme is provided for free and you can use it for free..But this theme is protected by the Creative Commons Licence .So you will have to keep the footer links if you want to use this template..Removing the footer link will be a violation of copyrights..

    If you are reading this in a feed reader you wont see the template generator..So visit the actual post in that case..
    Do you like this new template generator?? If so i will be tweaking more and more templates..Let me know your feedbacks..


    1. will adding the adsense features on those boxes make your ads appear in almost every paragraph of the post like here in your blog?

    2. no it wont display ads within the post..In order to display ads within the post,you have to first disable automatic insertion of line breaks in your blogger settings..then you have to manually insert the ad code in all of the posts at the necessary location..But if you do this be sure that you use my automatic post summaries hack.. Otherwise, in the label pages more than 3 adsense for content units will be present which will violate the TOS..

    3. Thank you so much i really love it ...

    4. The template looks nice. The colors are really simple. And the homepage doesn't look cluttered. The elements on the first page is just enough. Thanks for sharing. :)

    5. I have a problem.

      When I add my banner to the template, the banner still in front of the the bottom of the template, blocking the search and feed links.

      what can i do ?

    6. @Gúh!
      inside the header-wrapper CSS rules,there is a line
      increase this height so that the new logo fits clearly..(also do reduce the width of the logo)

    7. how do i put all my buttons in the home/about section? under the header

      please look at my blog they seem to have gone under one another

    8. @krease, the width of that div is less.. So it wont accomodate more links..
      If you want to increase the width just increase the value 248 in
      width:248px; --> This will be present in the CSS definition for #front_menu in the template code

    9. thanks

      how can i make the overall template wider? i tried just now and i think i changed the wrong setting and it looked really bad

    10. how can i add my banner at the top where the text is?

      sorry for asking so many questions

    11. What do you mean by make your blog adsense free?

    12. @Andres ,
      If you have manaually added any adsense ads via blogger then remove those.If you dont plan to use adsense or if you plan to use the adsense ads provided by blogger and not the blended ads in this template,then leave the pub-id field of this generator blank..

    13. Thanks a lot for the template it is beautiful, really.

      But I had some problems. I ask some noob question below, please give me an answer.

      Do you mind to tell me, how to remove the RSS, Search, Home and About button? Which HTML code should I change?

    14. expand the widget templates and look for the codes near
      <div id='front_menu'>
      <div id='rss-feed'>

      and you will understand what to do.. :)

    15. Hi, how do I go to my dashboard? there are no buttons!

    16. I can't find from where I get to my dashboard!

    17. I've visited your blog today nice blog

    18. I would like for my header to be above the menu bar. Which code do I need to change to allow that?


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