Optimise Blog Title for Search engine Results and increase visitors

The Default blogger Post/Page Titles are in the Format

Blog Name: Post Name . But don't you feel that the Post Title should be given a little more importance on the Post Page? The search results including those on search engines like Google and Yahoo use these titles.So it is always better to keep your title more related to your post content.So don’t you think that it would be better if Title Starts with your Post Title and ends with your Blog Title.I do believe that it will definitely improve your Click Through Rate.

The result of applying this hack is as follows:


  1. Login to your blogger account
  2. From your Dashboard opt for Layout/ Design/Template
  3. Now choose Edit Html. You will see your template code there. In that template code find
    and replace it with
    <!-- Start www.bloggerplugins.org: Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/><b:if cond='data:blog.pageName'> - </b:if><data:blog.title/></title>
    <!-- End www.bloggerplugins.org: Changing the Blogger Title Tag –>
  4. Now Save the Template.
  5. After saving the template take a look at your blog post pages and your will notice the change in titles in your browser's title bar.

Search Engines do not re-index your site every day. So these changes won’t be reflected onto Google Search result pages until Google’s crawlers reach that page again.


  1. Thanx Bro For The Sexy Crack Love ya !!!

  2. Its ironic that many bloggers talk about this but then they actually use no follow I have seen many blogs leeching off the dofollow movement claiming to be dofollow sites but actually use nofollow, they are worse than the comment spammers in my eyes.

  3. @Bape you are right.. it will be really annoying...

    Dont worry the comment filed in my blog is DO FOLLOw...

  4. nice tip. Thx 4 share, bro! I'll use it in my blogs

  5. I'd like to try this but it looks like part of the replacement code is cut off due to the sidebar so I can't copy the code correctly. Is this my computer font settings or on your end? Thanks!

  6. its not ur computer's font problem.Its a little big code..

    You can easily copy the whole of it.Just click at the beginning of the code and drag the mouse down till the last line of the code and copy..
    If u still can't figure it out i will set it in a text file for you..

  7. hey seems to be a super trick but won't google ban our site for such kind of hacking. The reason is I read their quality policy where in they had mentioned this as one of their points. Correct me if you feel am wrong.

  8. @Lakshmi..

    Tweaking the blog title is not against google policies..

    As i have mentioned The title of the blogspot page by default is

    Blog Title + Post Title..
    But this is undesirable especially when the blog has a long name.

    So we have tweaked it out to be of the form
    Post Title + Blog Title.

    This tweak will make the blog title look more releavant

  9. cool thanks for the clarification. I will also try then. Cheers!

  10. It wouldn't let me to do the trick:

    Your template is invalid because the tag "b:section" appears inside of the tag "head"



  11. thnks but its not working now....

  12. hey...
    i have tried this but it shows this message: "Your template is invalid because the tag 'b:section' appears inside of the tag 'head'."

    what is up with that?

    i hope you could clarify this...

  13. Hi,can this be added to the present template ? I tried it for my blog , but it says :the template is invalid because the tag 'b:section' appears inside of the tag 'head'.Can you help ?

  14. hi all,
    i have now tweaked the code a little bit avoiding the b:section part.Now it works fine and currently i am using it on my blog here..

  15. Well, thanks for the tips bro ... :)

  16. I took your advice and I hopes this works for me. Anything to get more visitors. Thanks for the trick. Will be following your posts.

  17. yes it should help you for sure..you may also try using the meta tags and also submit your sitemap to google webmaster tools.. You can read about them in the SEO section..

  18. I tried to do the sitemap with google and it displays error. Do you know what that means?

  19. did you add the sitemap to google webmaster tools?. if you did so then you wont get any errors when you give atom.xml?redirect=false as your sitemap.. i am personally using it for this blog.. and a lot of my readers are using the same..

  20. Hi Aneesh,
    Thank you for telling me about this hack. I was using the hack in Widget Based blog so long but now like you say bloger doesn't support it. I must try your hack and see.

  21. you are welcome.. the old hack works on templates on which they are already implemented..but that one fails whenever you try to make a change in the template..And you cant add that code to new blogs.. this new code works fine on any blogger template..

  22. Thanks Man .. It Realy Helped ....... I Just Implimented In My Blog .... http://www.mayoth.blogspot.com/

    Thanks Again

  23. Hi Aneesh just did this will see how it improves my traffic meanwhile keep up the good work


  24. no you needn't change those lines.. hey are just comments.. i have put those comments there so that you don't mess up your template later.. and if you want to revert back to the old style you can easily do that when such comments are present..

  25. Thanks so much for the information; I just implemented it on my blog.


  26. just install in it.. thanks.. hope more traffics will come

  27. I installed this widget. I like to know how it works but you did not give the step on testing this plug in. Can you please give us advise.

    used auto dealer from Japan

  28. works like a charm! thanks

  29. Thanks so much for this code. I've just installed it and hope it increases my search traffic.

  30. thank for good tips
    i will follow to do with this tip

  31. ur are rocking man!!!

    hope ur on orkut.

  32. Great post. I always searching on how to optimise my blog, but it is not so easy...Glad you help. My personal request is, can you write on how to write the robot.txt to blogger template. Thanks

    Teaching Degree Online

  33. Clear link baiting man, by adding your link into this code...

  34. few days ago I change my title code to your new title code.

    but I want to change my blog post title to a custom name.instead of blog post name.

    how can I do that??

  35. that's great trick.. i hope it works in my blog here http://alldownloadsforfree.blogspot.com/

    thx alot

  36. People say that Blogger is a bit limited compared to Wordpress, but this sort of site certainly helps the cause. cheers

  37. I was looking for this script. Thank you! Now, I'll wait for results improvement :)

  38. @Anonymous "Clear link baiting man, by adding your link into this code..."

    When you post something be sure of what you post.. i haven't included my site link in the code above.. i just have added my site name in the comments.. Adding comments in html with the site name is not a link.. i have just kept that to ensure that i get the credit for the code.. thats all

    And by the way what you have to do if i added a link somewhere in the code.. anyway i am doing a free service.. use my widgets only if you want.. don't just post something about which you are not sure of..

  39. Great tip, will put to use rigth away.


  40. Does this only work with the new Blogger templates. Tried with the old and it didn't seem to work.

  41. Dude this looks to be a very promising trick. I added o my blog.. let see what changes on google next crawl.. you rock!

  42. Thank you for the trick : )
    I installed it and I'm waiting for results, I'll comment again when I notice change.. Thanks again for this outstanding site. I'll try all of your 10 rare tips on my blog :)

  43. Hello,
    Something is wrong perhpas, I don't know but when I used this on my blog http://mehdi-mehdy.blogspot.com/ the trafic from google was down.. I replaced it, and I'm using it on a test blog to confirm.. I'll post any news.. thanks anyway for the very nice trick ! :)

  44. How long will it take for the indexing to take place as I have executed the action for my blog www.indian-share-tips.com and hope to get benefitted.

  45. I've just tried what you've suggested and got this:

    We were unable to save your template

    Please correct the error below and submit your template again.
    Your template is invalid because the 'div' tag appears inside of the 'head' tag.

  46. I have an issue where the Post Titles don't show up at all in search. How do I get Post Titles to show up in Search, and not just my Blog Name? As of now, if I enter a search term, my Blog Title shows up, not the Post Title, at all.

  47. After I installed the code, I saw this on the beginning of my blog page : !-- Start www.bloggerplugins.org: Changing the Blogger Title Tag --> | before the navigation bar. Is that normal or have I placed the code wrong...???

  48. wow thanks, i have to do this on my blog.

  49. I am surprised why so many people do not do this with the title element. It is the first thing i do when starting a new blog.. :)

  50. I believe that this actually DECREASED my visibility to Google. I had excellent visibility and usually was in the top ten of searches, but now I often see nothing. I have reverted back to the original Blogger title code.

  51. Just implemented in my 3 blogs. Thanks for the tip!

  52. hmmm... looks like another piece of gem .. let me try !!

  53. WoW..impressive outcome!

  54. hi
    its a gr8 job done by you
    i was in a gr8 need of these ... you have made my day.
    thanks for sharing ur collection with everyone.

  55. Hi, I have done as you adviced, unfortunatelly it does not work.
    Is that trick works with cyrillic charters?

  56. Thanks for the tip, but why not just reverse the order of the original elements? Or does that work?

    Thanks again!

  57. Nevermind. It may work, but as others said about a similar code for older templates, it no longer allows you to change the layout due to parsing error. Thanks again for the great workaround!

  58. thank you so much this is the most clear and easy way i found and the most effective

  59. Thnanks for the tutorial. I'm a greenhorn at this but I want to learn. Thanks again!

  60. I have tried doing it but I received an error message:

    More than one widget was found with id: HTML1. Widget IDs should be unique.

    Please help. Thanks again.

  61. dear i tried your trick on my blog about 10 days back .......... but since than my new pages are not visible on google index.
    yesterday i reverted back to the original settings
    help me .... what may be the reson for that why google is not indexing my new posts now.

  62. I am already using this hack for sometimes now and it works fine. What I wanted to do further was to have title for my 'label' pages as well which unfortunately I failed to achieve. I wanted the label name to appear in the page title when viewing label or category pages. Shed some light on this one if its possible ?

  63. Hey thanks for your help.. I am also trying your trick.. Hope this helps me a lot..

  64. I did the change, and I shall see the result soon, and I shall inform you.


  65. AWESOME, it worked, thanks so muich!!!!

  66. how do I know if it works? When I Google a specific post title to see how it would appear on Google Results, my Blog Title still appears in front of the Post title.
    Eg: search for "red kimono buffet not worth it"
    Google results: http://www.google.com.ph/search?q=red+kimono+buffet+not+worth+it&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
    A blog entry from my blog: http://thingswelovetohate.blogspot.com/2009/02/red-kimono-buffet-not-worth-it.html

  67. I have included into my template, let's see how it works..


  68. i created a blog the other day and i ran a search for it in google and i do not find it anywhere - will this recommendation make my blog visible during a search?

  69. Great tip thanks a lot!!!


  70. i just did what you said, i have been blogging for about three weeks now... i have not seen any changes in my blog after the change, is that normal, the changes will be only in google searchs?

  71. Thanks for such useful widgets hats off

  72. thanks for the trick. but please tell us, is this code just for the blog's main page or each page?????

  73. bro u rock..... hats off to you, i respect u mayn! this increased my visitor count tremendously..... thnks again, god bless ya!

  74. doesnt work 4 me,

    there are many rasultz

  75. it would be great if I could see all the text, so i can c/p it......

  76. I tried It and It worked
    i think of giving your blog a trackback.it's excellent!

  77. I just Applied this waiting for reasult, thanks!

  78. Really a great job....I am sure this ll increase the number of search engine visitors as you said

  79. Dude, thanks for the hack... this will help me drive more traffic to venezueladeayer.blogspot.com by the way my blog is dofollow

  80. thanks for the great hack, but i have a question for you:
    i have noticed that you're putting your site address in the hack so can you tell me the reason off that and if it's possible to change it with my blog address or another website related to my blog.
    you can visit my blog: http://fmstuff.blogspot.com/

    thank for your help

  81. @AbdelNour it is just a comment, so that you can identify where the hack was applied where the title tag was changed.. i use these for almost all of my hacks.. the social bookmarking and all.. its just like comments in a program..

    i just indicated the start and end of the hack with those comments.

    those 2 lines can be removed if you need.. it has nothing to do with the code..

  82. Hey bro it sounds great but what about google adsense policy, is it under the terms and condition, does google give it green signal for their blog publishers which are using adsense? Do you have answer of these questions? Are we able to get ad from adsense still after using this crack?


  83. @Ravishanker its your blog,its your blog title.. you can have any title you want..Adsense TOS has nothing to do with it..

    Adsense TOS is more related to how many ads does your page display,is there nudity.Do you ask your readers to click ads and so on..

  84. Google after That dosen't index the new post and post title disappears @ all.

  85. I am using it in my blog...

    works 100% fine...Thanks

  86. thanks for the great tip!!!
    Hope it helps to improves traffic at my site


  87. I can't use html in my comment so I had to delete some of the characters in my code to display here.

    My template shows this:

    title $BlogPageTitle$ /title

    I replaced it with your code anyway. The tabbed pages and window titles don't show the title of my blog any longer. The tabs display data : blog.pageTitle /

    How do I fix that?


  88. @AngelCompanyStamper This hack is applicable for the new XML blogger Templates.. You are still using the old Classic Blogger templates.. You can use this only if you revert to the new XML layout.. and i suggest you do so.. because the new template has many amazing templates and is also widget ready..

  89. @Aneesh

    I'm hosting the blog on my own domain. I didn't think I could use new newer blogger templates...can I? What are my options?

  90. I think that you are currently using FTP to publish your blogs, and that doesn't allow you to use the new XML templates. The best way to use blogger on your own domain is to use custom domains hosted with google.That is what i do here for this blog..

    If you need the same setup you can have look at my post on Custom Domains for Blogger...

    If you arent able to figure it out,you can contact me at the Blogger Forums

  91. thank you.it is 100% working one..i have implemented it..

  92. I didnt get it nothing happened. is it with a particular type of template or what

  93. th hack is working fine on your blog..
    noticed the title bar in firefox?

    this url title is World Cup Quallifiers ~ Fixation
    earlier it was Fixation - World Cup Quallifiers

    It will take time for the results to be seen in search engines..[need to be reindexed.]

  94. great post. thanks a lot , i have been searching for this for a long time, many code i tried but this only works for me

  95. Great tip, was very useful, a friend of mine actually told me about this, but your blog was really useful.. thanks..

  96. it is always better to keep your title more related to your post content.

  97. Thnak you so so so much. i was searching for it for so long, and now i got it, thanks again.

  98. Thanks in advance, I am going to try your suggestion

  99. Good job... thanks for sharing this info.

  100. oops.. it seems not working in my blog friend.. help please...

  101. Halo, i'm david from indonesia.

    Thanks for your Great tips.

  102. I have one query - changing templates for SEO work is valid for google,adsense policies
    I am trying to apply for my blog:

  103. Can't get this to work either, Has something changed. Please help

  104. @mlynch43,
    nope nothing has changed... what error did you get?

  105. I didn't get an error. It just reads the same as before. It had no effect unless I'm not seeing something.

  106. the title change will appear in your browsers title bar.. The same will reflect to search engine results whwn the page gets re-indexed..

  107. Hi, there I want to use your seo hack but not sure where to place the code.

    I wanted to paste my code here but not allowed, please check for me.


  108. Good explaination, helpfull for our web sites

  109. Great hack. I have applied it to my Beta blogs and it works just super!! However, what about classic (old) blogger? I have a number of blogs I would like to do this with also (for SEO). Is such a classic hack even possible?


  110. Hello,

    I used the code and saved the template but it doesn't work. I get this: http://moedershomerun.blogspot.com/search/label/10-kilometer%20training

    Could you please help?

  111. Unfortunately no one has cracked this for classic blogger templates. I run a bunch of minima templates and I would LOVE to implement this.

    It works great in my new (beta) templates!


  112. Thank you so much! This is such a simple fix and exactly what I have been looking for!

  113. Thanks for the tip. Does anyone know how to fix this trick when users click the older posts link in my blog?


  114. thanks for your great tip of SEO hope i will get good results soon for my blog


  115. Wow! Thanks for the great hack, it's awesome!

  116. If use Wordpress, are you have any tips?

  117. Aneesh, you're the man.

  118. Thanx for the helpful tip brother.

  119. I tried this but it doesn't work .Please have a look on my website. www.scientiamag.com. Anybody can help me ??

  120. The example works on "new" Blogger or Blogger Beta as it was called. There is a hack that worked on my Classic Blogger blogs at

    I would put it here but I get an error when I try to post the code.

    Jim DeSantis

  121. Thank you so so so much. i was searching for it for so long, and now i got it, thanks again.

  122. Thanks , just re-edited all the HTML on my blog, thanks !

  123. Thanks for the Tip I was Hunting for the same thing But unfortunately for me its not working !
    yesterday I Published 3 posts and today when I looked at my Post On google They had No Title Infact Only My Blogs Title is Displayed "SPEEDY VEHICLES" No Post Title is displayed .
    I'm in Deep Trouble .
    Could you please help me Out ?
    My Blogs url : http://www.speedyvehicles.in
    You Can check my blog On google it Only displays my blogs title.


  124. @Sagar- That is because you have another title tag placed above it.Delete the TITLE tag just below <head> and you will get it working. You can see the changes(the title) in the title bar of your browser.No need to wait for getting reindexed in blogger.

  125. hmmmmmmmmm.............
    Thanks a Lot Aneesh !
    I was Wondering why Title is improper while writing my exams .......hehe...
    Chaao cheers ! :)

  126. Thanks! I like your work and my blog looks much better now thanks to you

  127. i tried on mine : http://thehahaland.blogspot.com/
    thanks :)

  128. My previous posts have also been indexed in google and my blog traffic has increased significantly :-) thanks once again :-)

    Speedy Vehicles

  129. Thanks i have just applied it on my blog, but its not working right now i hope it will work later

  130. thax bro. many blogger copy & publish this article too but.... im so sad they article its not work. i dont know what they'r purpose. but... this is very great & real tips. see u soon.

  131. Hi, I was looking for this info, is there any way to dont show the BLOG TITLE in the POST ?

  132. Cool top.

    Thank you very much

  133. It works at my blog.

    Thank you..

  134. I have been following your tricks for many time.
    You are doing a very good job.

  135. WooHoo! Now everyone can find my free weekly tarot horoscopes so much easier on Google.

    Thanks for the title fix!
    The Tarot Goddess

  136. Good reading. Thanks for hard work and writing your heart out.
    Would be more easy to understand with descriptive pictures.
    But thats just my personal view.
    Great post anyhow.

  137. You did a great job in blogging about this! Very informative SEO tips.


  138. Thank You realy its working. This great methord help me a lots of times.
    seodata1 blogspot

  139. Tnx for this tip. But what about "Missing title tags" message im getting in webmaster tools now. I didnt have that before.

  140. I have written article. But I have not used this trick . Thanks for valuable information.

  141. Gosh... Haven't thought of this simple tweak before. I believe it helps in search result click through rate because title is usually more meaningful and catchy than the name of the blog itself.

    This keep me wondering why Blogger hasn't done it in the first place...

  142. I am just learning different techniques to optimize my blog (I know, I am behind the times, but it never too late to start right!). Little things like this, I would have never thought of doing. Thanks for the info.

  143. Nice.. This is what i been looking for all night long, n i finally found it lol.

  144. I liked this post a lot. I found it to be very informative. I was looking for this, yeah your right xclusive i found it too!! :)

  145. Does this work with the newest Blogger templates?

  146. Thanks, great tweak....will see soon how search results perform. I'd love to upload this article to Blogger Buzz, for my Google Profile, but you don't have that option.... Cheers!

  147. Thanks for the tips. I read a lot tips here and they are great.

  148. Thanks for the tip. In the constantly changing world of SEO and PPC it is the little things that can have a large impact. Thanks

  149. what a fantastic post! That is very useful tutorial!


  150. Thanks to this Sharing.
    I used it in my blog and its really worked.

  151. Well, thanks for the tips bro ... :)

  152. Thank you very much for this post. I have been cursing this for a while now, so this is really helpful.

  153. another great post from you.
    i've use it on my blogs.
    many thanks.

  154. Thanks for the innovative idea.
    Anything that helps bring more traffic to sites is a plus.

  155. thank you for your tips...

  156. Good suggestion - Unrelated but yeah nothing kills me more than seeing ie a Wordpress site with the 'just another wordpress blog' title enabled.

    Re: Blog title, yeah keep your main theme keyword presented in as many places, and Google will love you that much more. Thanks for the tip for Blogger though!


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