How to Disable the Blogger Light Box

Disable Blogger Light BoxAs of now there is no Official Method to Override the Lightbox, and it is enabled on all of the Blogger Blogs. If you don’t like the Light Box, and want to remove it from your Blog, then read on:


Blogger has now added an option to disable the Light Box. The feature is enabled by default. You can turn it Off from Settings > Posts and Comments. You just have to set “Open images in Lightbox” option to “No

Now Click on the “Save Settings” Button

Update: Blogger has Rolled back the Light Box Feature. So there is no point in reading further.

Go to Template > Edit HTML and paste the following Code Snippet above </body>

<script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('Blog1').id = 'Blog222';
var bp_dummy = document.createElement("div"); = 'Blog1';'none';
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild( bp_dummy );

In this Code, Blog1 is the id of your Blog Posts Widget.

Save The Template, and LightBox wont be bothering you anymore :) I use the same technique here on my Blog :)


  1. what if lightbox on my blog dont work? what to do to make it work

  2. how to find
    Blog Posts Widget ID?

  3. @Anonymous -it would be Blog1 by default unless you mess around with Widgets :)
    <b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>

    This line will give you an idea of what your Blog Post Widget's ID is.

  4. Can i still use the old lightbox? not the default one in blogger.

  5. hope they do something amazing when blogger roll out lightbox again.
    I find this feature useful.

  6. It was working on my blog but know it is not working and i never want it to.......!

  7. this is my collected resource my master...xixixi

  8. For some reason your lightbox stopped working after Blogger rolled back its lightbox feature.

  9. Can u tell me how to use free domain name in blogspot ?? Like I have a free Doamian name in nammed .... but I cant understand how do I add this domain to my blog here ... So plz can anyone tell me how can I add this free domain to my blog... Plz help me...

  10. I never knew that things can be changed in blogger. I thought wordpress is much more flexible than blogger in terms of managing your things

  11. Thanks bro for sharing! good articel

  12. Thanks for the "disabling" code. Works great on my blog.

  13. Thank you..I hated the light box. many thanks

  14. I've been visiting for what feels like hours. What a GREAT resource. I must now comment because I've been trying to figure how to get rid of that monstrosity for a while. I would never have imagined it was called a light box and certainly never have figured out how to get rid of it because I haven't made the switch yet. Thank YOU!!!

  15. omg this makes me so hot

  16. i found this post very useful in my blog coz i already have lightbox in my template. thank you. here is my blog


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