Adsense Below the post title in Blogger

Your blog earnings depend mainly on your blog's traffic and on your ad placement. One important place to place the ads is below the Post title. It will give more importance to the ads and there is more possibility to get clicks. This is in accordance with the Google Adsense TOS

I am personally using the same hack on this blog. You can see adsense ads below the post title on all my  pages.Ok now let us get into the details of how to set it up.

First of all login to your adsense account and generate ad code of optimum size..
Now copy that adsense code into the following box and parse it(you may not see the parser if you are reading my feed)

Copy off the parsed code..
Now login to your blogger account.
Go to Layout > Edit Html and expand the widget templates.
Find this piece of code

Now add the following code just above that line.
<!-- BloggerPlugins.ORG Adsense Above Posts start -->
<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
Put your parsed adsense code here
<!-- BloggerPlugins.ORG Adsense Above Posts End -->

From now on you should have adsense below the post title. On pages with multiple posts(eg: home page, label page etc) , the adsense ads will show up only on the first post(i.e  below the post title of the first post). It wont show up on the other posts on the same page.So you are abiding by the Adsense TOS.


  1. Helps with click through rate
    Implementing it on my blog has certainly helped

    Adsense Tips

  2. hey can you please tell me how can i add the Parser to my blog....whats the code??

  3. WoW Bro, just I was looking for... U made it true finally :) Luv Ya !!!

  4. I been at this for about an hour and it doesn't seem to show up...

  5. I lied its on individual pages HA!... thanks!!!

  6. @umnopengkalanbatu where did you go wrong??
    btw i don't see any posts on any of ur blogs..

  7. thank u so much for this awesome trick!! Instead of adsense, i used chitika since my adsense had been disabled. XD

  8. how about middle of post like yours.. any tutorial? thanks in advance

  9. Thanks a lot for this tutorial..

  10. hi Aneesh another amazing post

    how do you get the text to appear next to the ad like on your pages? my ad appears under the post title then the post starts after the ad and not next to it

    please take a look at one of posts

  11. sorry but i just noticed is the ad size on your posts that make it look that way

    thanks for sharing your tips with the rest of us

  12. me again its not showing up on my post now i did change the adsense code to another just now and followed all the steps and its not showing up but it was earlier could you tell me if i have done something wrong?

    please :)

  13. the new adsense ads takes time to appear..

    Be patient wait for 10-15 minutes and they will be there.. ;)

  14. oh ok then last time they appeared almost straight away now this time its been about 20mins since i put the new code there and nothing was worried i had deleted something i shouldn't of

    thanks :)

  15. it is there now.. i saw it here.. :)

  16. thanks a lot for all your help today and the other day with the table of contents setup you are amazing for helping others out unlike most sites that dont want to know or help you if you have a question.

    once my site is up and run i will donate some money to you for all your help

    thank you very much and will be looking out for new posts on this site :)

  17. hi is there a way of putting adsense at the bottom of the instead of the top so that it appears after the last line of the post?

    thanks in advance

  18. @krease: Go to "Layout" and at Posts settings, edit and select the option of "Show Ads between posts":

  19. Maybe you have got ideas why comments are not appearing below my post on my main page. I have settings correctly set (show/anyone/embedded below post/ and 1 post per page. Comments appear if you click on recent post or comments, below the post. Comments also dont show if you go thru labels to look at post. My site is . Can anyone help

  20. @Author
    Can you please help me to center align the ad below the title of the post, instead of left alignment.

  21. Hi
    Thank for this amazing tip but I have some minor trouble here:
    the ads was showed in the frontpage and not show in the article (after click readmore) please help

  22. I'm not sure why this hack doesn't work for me. The ads are showing also on home page and labels page just in the first post. Any help !?

  23. Hello Aneesh,

    I am also finding the same problem as the commentor above. The ads show up in front page instead of individual posts.

  24. Need help i have two data:post.body i am using community template where i should replace the code.

  25. Try to find div class='post-body entry-content' OR div class='post-body'. Click my link for more details.


  26. Thank you for posting this stuff, usefull and resolve my probs, thanks again.. right now my blogs look nice with this tricks..

  27. Thanks a million. I did a lot of google on this, and I found your post to be the best for me. Thanks again.

  28. thank you so much buddy! I was really looking for i have it in my site..

  29. How we include into the text... this page...

  30. aneesh, you are using blogger right? how did you made your "adsense ads" appear 3 times inside your post???

  31. Hai,

    Can this also be done with nuffnang ads?


  32. this is not allowed

  33. Cool I did this,m but now my text is starting right after the ad block, which makes it hard to read. Can you help me by telling me how to get the text to start a few lines down, say, just below my ads? Thanks a heap!! :)

  34. @Dani - Wrap the Adsense ads within

    <div style="display:inline;">
    parsed adsense code

    this code should be wrapped within the coditional tags as mentioned in the post.

  35. Hi, it didn't work, can you give me any tips? I think I have done it wrong, it now just says "parsed adsense code" aboive each ad block, but it still doesn't wrap...

  36. @Dani - change <div style="display:inline;"> to <div style="display:block;">
    It will work properly. Remove the line "parsed adsense code" . you have already added the parsed adsense code. that line was intended to be replaced by the adsense code. As you have already added the adsensse code just remove the line "parsed adsense code"

  37. can you plz write tutorial on how to show ads in the middle of the post , same as u r showing 2 half banner size ads in your posts

  38. I just did it. Actually, I have been trying to figure it out for a month already and searched for it. It did not show up in my google search. I found some but it was so hard to follow. I decided to come back here and searched back manually. Alas!. Now it's working as I wanted it to be: Thank you once again :)

  39. Thanks very much. It works perfectly.

  40. still in "below the content" even if i applied the "below the title" code + it only appeared in 1 post, next post there's nothing

  41. I am just approved from adsense and don't wanted to disabled before earning any buck from, are you doing something wrong according to adsense TOS ?? because they always use to warn that don't touch the ad codes doesn't matter you are a programmer.

  42. Thank you very much :) it works!

  43. hi friend ..nice information u got..u see im using AdBrite is this trick applicable for Adbrite or is it only for Adscense..well I hope we can use this trick for any add related program for parsing code and stuff..but just wanted to know from you!!

    There is one more thing I would like to know that can we increase ads to show in all the posts of the page..u know in AdBrite we can place as many ads as we want..unlike Adsense.

    the adsense ads will show up only on the first post(i.e below the post title of the first post). It wont show up on the other posts on the same page.So we are abiding by the Adsense TOS....

    How can we show up the ads in more then two or three posts..??

  44. thank you so much dear for your works.
    can i change it so that ads appear only at post page not on the home page how can i do it please help me
    here is my blog

  45. It helps me! Thanks so much :=)

  46. thanks a lot man! :)

    it really helped..

    I've always wanted to keep this... :D

  47. very great post.

    i have done it here for test

  48. also you can add this code more than once.

  49. can you please let me know that how to show ads between post 2-3 times as you have done in this post above?

  50. Thanks so much !!!

    I was looking for such a trick for months......... thanks !

  51. I would like to give my heartiest thanks to for gifting us such beautiful and effective Google Adsense purser by using which we can easily paste our Google Adsense Codes just below the post title which have drastically increased my CTR.

    Thanks again.

  52. Thanks a lot :-)

  53. can you please let me know that how to show ads between post 2-3 times?

  54. Thanks for this little hack. Though i didnot placed adsense but it worked for affiliate html code also, Iplaced my affiliate code in place of "Put your parsed adsense code here" and it worked like a charm. Thanks again.

  55. hi all
    how many ads can use below the post title ??
    and can you help me ? i like add ads in the midle post

  56. This is not working on my blog. Help me out!

  57. I did not placed Adsense code, what I put is my other affiliate banner,and it shows in all of my posts on the page,(I have 3 posts on every page)..just removed .isFirstPage from ...,my question is can I put different ads on every post?

  58. Tried adding on my blog
    but its not working. showing an error "google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); " on my 1st post. please help !!

    thanks in advance!

  59. awesome dude.... thanx for sharing...

  60. thanks buddy such a nice post

  61. Hi Anesh thanks again buds , person who inspired me to start blogging.

    m8y uf you have time sort me out with one problem , as i see in your blog when you press home you don't see the ad-sense on first post , mine on home page first post shows up ad-sense , how do i avoid this and make it only shows once at topic pages

  62. How can I make that to appear in first 2 posts? Thanks for help

  63. The ads appear on my blog homepage. How to exclude adsense in blogger homepage?

  64. Hey i have add is code but ads are not showing.. please help

  65. Thanks guys! All my probs solved! :)

  66. i tried to do it, but cant find this CODE:
    in my template source... Please help me to find it... CTRL+F doesnt help too ... :(

  67. i tried for but it wont show up . HELP !! :)

  68. How to exlude adsense below post title from home page and let display only on indvidual posts ana labels page

  69. @Layla
    <!-- BloggerPlugins.ORG Adsense Above Posts start -->
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
    Put your parsed adsense code here
    <!-- BloggerPlugins.ORG Adsense Above Posts End -->

    This will help you in excluding the ad unit from the home page.

  70. i do not see any tab named as LAYOUT. i tried it on tab DESIGN where i found link EDIT HTML but could not find the code to told

    can you tell me what is wrong?

  71. I like to show two posts in my blog pages. Is it ok to have adsense show under the title for both posts?

  72. Nice Hack .. Thank you

  73. Is there is any problem with this.any deactivating problem by Google.

  74. Hey Bro,
    Its not working on blog..i have asked this before too but you didn't respond.

    my blog url is

  75. so is this same? if i wanna add adsense at second post (at homepage), just adding below the
    isnt it?

  76. Thank a ton, Aneesh! It worked like a charm, easily done. How lovely that you've included the parser here. In appreciation, I've included your link in my tutorial @
    God bless you for sharing. I've learned so much from you...thanks again.

  77. Hey I followed all your instructions. but this doesn't work out. all the ads are displaying only above my post title. not below the post title.

    my site is

  78. what if there are two ""
    which one should i chose then.
    above which i place the code

  79. thanks a lot. i tried it on my blog and it worked.
    . i wana ask you one more thing. how i can post adds on my side bar. and in between my posts...

  80. thanks! That was really helpful... I placed the ad below each post though... :D

    My Photography Blog

  81. what to do if we want the ads to float either to left or to right ?
    and what to do if we want the ads to appear only in pages ?
    please help.
    thank you :)

  82. I've been searching for the right tutorial on how to add adsense below the newest post and I did it just by following your steps. It works for me. I got one more concerned, the adsense I added below the post title does not blend with my posts.. I mean I want to edit the Adsense in terms of color. Can you have a trick on this?

  83. Thanks work for my blog..!!!

  84. Oh! I applied the step and I got it! My adsense was now located below my newest post title.

  85. thanks bro very nice post

  86. Thank you very much!!!!
    Greeting from

  87. Thanks for this tutorial. However, if I wanted an ad like the one you've got in your header (on the right) how do I do that?

  88. hello can any body tell me how to active adsense for blogger....
    please mail me at

  89. my blog is : please tell how i can show Adsense below each post and how much posts are authorised by blogger on one page. Is there no objection of repeating adsense add below each post of blogspot. please advise. thanks.

  90. Can I have adsense below ONLY the SECOND post title?
    Thank you

  91. Hi, I cannot get the ad code generator on this page... It tells me that the website cannot be found. Is there another way?


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