Facebook Like Box For Blogger

Facebook Like Button allows you to provide more Sharing Options to your Readers. Your readers can share your posts on Facebook using the Like Button. Have you added the Like button and still not getting any “Likes”? :(. Ok then we will present the Like button in a much better and elegant way.

Here is a Screenshot of the Facebook Like Box. Isn’t it lovely and more “Likable” than the default Like Button?


The  Facebook Like box also includes a link to  your Facebook Fan Page. This FB Like Box was Designed Styled and coded by Mia of Dezign Matterz .  Thanks to her for designing and styling  this awesome Like Box.

How to install the Facebook Like Box?

1. First Fill in the following Details (Code will be updated with these details)

Width of the Like Box                     (Enter the appropriate width of the FB like box)
Facebook Fan Page / Profile URL

2. Login to your Blogger Account and go to Template > Edit HTML


Click somewhere within the Template Editor and press Ctrl + F to search within the template

3. Search for  ]]></b:skin> in your template and just above that place the following code (You can use Ctrl +F to find the code).

.fb_like_box {
-moz-border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px;
border:3px solid #2B2B2B;
padding:10px 7px;
.fb_like_top {
padding:0;margin:0 0 5px;
background:url("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgsM0DQCPkRqbH1tzAAxH97PqPwnLsEqhS7eTZGI6KiT9GEkit7Z-j-N9EKnNqAWQmegokRwXObCh7FLaVtDNXV0JEx4mVIDzm-iIHuBEQmoV7Ai48nW_AqSTmgesmNWPMZwoTfQQd8Tqc/") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
.fb_like_button_holder {
-moz-border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px;
background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
padding:12px 12px 0 12px;

4. Search for <data:post.body/> and immediately below that code, paste the below code.search-for-data-post-body-blogger


<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='fb_like_box'>
<div class='fb_like_top'></div>
<div class='fb_like_button_holder'>
<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'> 
  var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
  js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true;
  js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1";
<fb:like expr:href="data:post.canonicalUrl" layout='standard' send='true' show_faces='false' width="450" font="arial" action="like" colorscheme="light"></fb:like>

If you find multiple occurrences of <data:post.body/> , do the same for each of them

5.Next you have to add the fb namespace to your template tag.Your template should have the specification for the fb tag that you have used. The following namespace declaration will take care of that. To declare the namespace, find


and change it to

<html xmlns:fb='https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'

The following screenshot will help you out.


This is required for all FBML widgets using the fb tag.  So if you have already added the namespace while adding some other FB plugin, then you can skip this.

6. Now Save your template and you will see a Facebook Like Box on your post pages.


  1. Thank you so much for coding this for Blogger users Aneesh , but moreover for going one step further and incorporating the Installation Wizard where a user can set their FB URL and adjust their preferred width and generate their code . You definitely improved this for Blogger users Aneesh , and I am truly grateful to you for all your efforts :)

    Mia 

  2. i am sorry friend i have no confirmed blog yet so please help me ?

  3. Loved the plugin. Great work by you an Mia

  4. hi it is good work but i have problem. when i click like button it give out error how im fix it plz explain

  5. WOw..it's great!
    I've tried to insert this in my blog but i don't know where enter the width and the facebook page url, so it doesn't work for me.
    Maybe help me? Thanks

  6. @Sarù - there are two text fields in this post(width and fan page url). Fill them first.
    After that copy the codes and follow the instructions.

  7. Thanks for your info..its very useful for my Facebook Page

  8. This is a cool gadget. I had no problems installing, but it's too wide for my blog posts. I tried adjusting the widths but it was still too wide. My max width on my posts is 450 as I have a left and a right sidebar. Any suggestions?

  9. @Amanda - the range is now updated. Its now 400-600px.

  10. Thanks for updating that! Can you do me a favor and take a look? I don't know why, but I'm not getting the outer border like you are. Maybe something in my code messing with it?

  11. At me it has not turned out yet, but I will finish

  12. @Amanda - you have added some HTML comments in your CSS like
    <!--begin FB box-->
    If you want to insert comments in your CSS, use the CSS comment format
    /* comment here */

  13. Cool thanks! That did it! Weird, I have those type of tags throughout my template and they haven't caused a problem with anything else. *shrug* Thanks!

  14. I followed things like you said, but nothing pops up. Here is my site: www.procomputergambler.com

  15. @Pro-Computer Gambler - i see it working on your blog.
    btw i see that you are masking your blog url using your domain name. There is no need to do that. you can actually publish your blogger blog to your own domain name. you will find the required details if you do a search here for "custom domain"

  16. Aneesh:
    Thnx for this post.


  17. Thank,
    this awesome,

    but, i wanna to ask, How to find the best size for "Width of the Like Box " on my template??

  18. Great work. Thanks a lot. We have implemented in here.

  19. i think any less code there on
    and no code CSS .fb_like_top a there...
    i think so...

  20. @Beben- i didn't understand what you meant. The style rules for .fb_like_top a will appear only if you fill in the Facebook Fan Page field.

  21. Hi..Thanks for all those useful tricks. But none of these are working on my blog (http://www.cosmogeek.info). Is it something my blogger template blocking? Please help me out.
    I want to incorporate many plugins to my new blog. Thanks in advance.

  22. Hi aneesh.. I tried it too but its getting error like this..

    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: The reference to entity "q" must end with the ';' delimiter.

    can u please check this?

  23. Cool. Really nice one for the blogger blog with a face book community.


  24. searched for the data post body and nothing is found. tried diffenet templates etc. anyone else have this problem?

  25. Hi
    somebody help me please..
    I cannot get the design.
    look: http://100mujereslindas.blogspot.com/2010/10/adriana-lima.html

    please...tell me the answers

  26. it didnt work for me

  27. its not working with me. Ive followed the whole step, and saved my template but nothing happen :(

  28. @for those this awesome plugin not working - if your blogger template is using the post summary script which summarizes anything present inside that div with id '"summary" + data:post.id' , you have to move the second code out of that div.
    It worked for me!!

  29. Wow! This is something I've been looking for. Thanks for the tip!

  30. I added the code but it didn't appear in my blog. Why?

  31. It doesn't work for me.. section not in my code. plz help

  32. I am not familiar with HTML, so this is not for me (makes me sad ).
    How about introducing a Blogger Sidebar Panel, this will be very useful to all Bloggers. At the moment I am badly in need of one. There are panels on "Widgetbox" only to be used for their widgets.


  33. in post there is no code for a link on this ... maybe like it

    . Fb_like_top a {
    height: 24px;
    width: 114px;
    background: url ("http://lh6.ggpht.com/_u4gySN2ZgqE/TJ3do-mtwuI/AAAAAAAABrw/NXxp85pCaD0/beafan% 5B3% 5D.jpg") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
    display: block;
    margin-left: 425px;
    in your post no code like it there, so if you put the entire code that is in post, this code
    <a href='' target='_new' title='Become a fan' rel='nofollow'> Become a Fan </a>
    there will be at the top left side...maybe i'm false..thanks

  34. @Beben - the post has got a code generator. When you type in a facebook url into the generator, that CSS will be added to the code in the post.If the facebook url field is empty, then that code wont be present in the code.

  35. Thank`s for your trick and tips coding...

  36. My blogger could not find so i could not finish the installation :( .. nice idea though

  37. Hi I hope you can help me.
    I made all the steps but nothing happened.

  38. @EUFISICA - you have modified the CSS part. You changed
    .fb_like_box {

    #facebook fanpage and likes
    .fb_like_box {

    and hence the prob :)
    If you were trying to add comments to the CSS, then refer http://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_syntax.asp

  39. Hi @Aneesh
    I removed that part and nothing happened. :(

  40. @EUFISICA - i still see it there on your Blog Template. It wont work unless you remove it.

  41. Sorry @Aneesh but I still don't see it. My blog is: eufisica.blogspot.com
    In the edit template I selected Expand Widgets Templates and I used the CTRL+f to find it and doesn't found anything.
    I copy the code again and I pasted just like the post explains and nothing. Can you send me an email and shall me where is the mistake?
    I'm using eufisica[at]gmail.com

  42. It's working @Aneesh, sorry by the inconvenience and thanks for the help :)

  43. Not working here...
    Did all the steps but nothing, what's wrong?

  44. Oh, sorry, forget about it! xD I got it to work :)
    Thanks for the code ^^


  45. I just installed it on my blog, and it worked! Thank you.

  46. Yeah its true, facebook somewhat looking like blogger.

  47. Avinash Kumpati said...

    "@for those this awesome plugin not working - if your blogger template is using the post summary script which summarizes anything present inside that div with id '"summary" + data:post.id' , you have to move the second code out of that div.
    It worked for me!!"

    Yes, mine is using the summary tag. So I'm at a loss as to where to put the second code. Any help you can offer would be great!

  48. Wait, got it!

    It worked when I put the second code AFTER the last "div/>, following "data:post.body/"

    My challenge was that my template had 3 data:post.body tags one right after the other. So this was reasonably confusing.

    Thanks for the tips, it worked. ;)

  49. I cant seem to find the tags in my html.
    Has it got anything to do with the fact that I changed my template to a third party template.
    And if it is can someone please send me the tags where i should place it thanks.

  50. How do I remove the Become a Fan icon?

  51. Aneesh I can't find the second part any suggestions???

  52. Hi Aneesh,

    I am having some problem with this facebook page. Please help as I can see that Become a fan link is not showing the image and it is shown on the left hand side. The link to one of my blog post is Here. Please check it out and give quick responses.

  53. What is the Source that has the logo of this blog?

  54. its working in my blog .... really its great one for all .
    thank you so much

  55. Looked like a great idea! I followed the directions perfectly, inserted the code in exactly the right place, and it just would not show up at all. I tried several times, and it just simply would not work. Not sure whats wrong, but no dice for my blog on blogger. Any ideas?

  56. hello,
    the like box is to big for my blog template..what should i do if wanna resize that box to the smaller one? hope you can help me..

  57. It works great on every post but one where the included photo seems to have split it.


    Any ideas on how to make it appear below the photo?

  58. There is no such code on my 'edit Template HTML':

    Why? and which part on the 'edit template HTML' should i find them?

    Thank you.

  59. I don't find the code in my html. Where should I be entering the 2nd part of this code in that case?

  60. Done first step but I can't find the please help me...

  61. truly great piece of writing. the information provided in the article was of great use.
    keep on doing the good job

  62. em,,i have a problem esspecially when to put the html coding to template designer..anyone can help me??

  63. Hi,

    I've been trying for some time now and just can't seem to get it on my blog. Can you please help me? I don't understand coding and I've tried to read about it and research; however, nothing is helping. It doesn't show on my page. I don't know what 'moving it out of the div' means and I don't know how to do that. Can you please tell me how I can add this gadget.

    Thanks in advance


  64. urgh,,it doesnt work on me! can somebody help??

  65. I cant find the second part i.e : "" on my template.
    Please help me out.
    My Blog: http://anoopsays.blogspot.com/

  66. hi there..

    can you help? I posted above and below and still dont see the widget? Do i post directly above these codes you suggest or ABOVE and BELOW the code itself.. does this make sense?


  67. Thanks for the tutorial. Working great dude..=)

  68. I cant use it on my blog.
    I did it according to the steps but nothing came out on my blog.
    help pls.. =)

    Mine is a private blog. tell me any catchy spots i people might mistaken it. Ur help is very appriciated. =D

  69. hi guys! I've noticed that the like box appears if you don't include the first and last line of the second code that you have to paste- the bit highlighted in green. However the like box that does come up is the original one, not the one showing above. Hope this helps! x

  70. I got the first part right, but it seems that the code isn't in my template. I used crtl-F to find it but i don't think it's there. What do i do?

  71. I just have it on my blog. It's really cool. All the previous likes from my links that I posted in Facebook before were also accumulated. Really, really great. Thank you Facebook.

  72. I own the domain name ncaahighlights.com
    how do i make it so that my bloggersite ncaahighlights.blogspot.com changes to ncaahighlights.com

  73. Awesome plugin. It worked after a little fiddling on my part. IE remove the code in green in the second part of the code. Duh!

    It shows up at the bottom of my posts can it show at the top? here is my page http://bizbuzzmedia.blogspot.com

    Thanks for this awesome tip.

  74. Thanks so much for posting this. i know you don't do this to help non-HTML people but..... HELP! I don't have in my blog. I looked at another blog that had it working & I put it kind of where they did but it isn't working. Anyway you can help? My blog is www.merrywithchildren.com.


  75. i try this code,but didnt have anything

  76. On my blog this widget dont work, there is some mistake in the html code, but I tried this on my other blog and work, now I not understand why is this

  77. At last I also make use of this template hack. Thanks for this wonderful presentation to Blogger world.

  78. Hello, I am unable to find this on my blog in Edit Template , Please Help me.

  79. Hi there, I have tried on my blog under blogger, but it seems that it is not revealing itself out though. I am using the template from blogger itself but wonders if anything is wrong with their coding which cause this to happen ??

  80. Hi Aneesh,
    I followed the direction exactly the way you have posted. I save the the template but I don't see the box on my blog. I used 540 for the width of the like box, should I have used different. If this is the reason, how do I change it. Please help.
    Thanks. Surekha

  81. i am lovin it….!!!
    its is so nice sharing……
    gr8 wrk !!!

  82. Sorry to bother you but I cannot get this to appear... I know I must be doing something wrong... any suggestions.


    thank you.

  83. Hi Aneesh,
    Please disregard the comment posted by me above. When I logged on to my blog today, I saw the facebook like box under each post. IT WORKED !! Thank you for the step by step instructions. Surekha.

  84. To remove it, I did what Avinash Kumpati (in Oct 2010) said, and it worked.

  85. Perfect!! Thanks a lot. I have implemented it on my site! Great!!

  86. Thank u so much....
    I used it on my blog http://allindiadownloadz.blogspot.com

  87. thanks so much this good great idea for my blog :)

  88. It didnt work on my blog.
    please help me.. i want to implement this on my blog.
    I loved this idea.
    I followed the exact steps.


  89. thanx so much this good stuff
    keep rolling dude..

  90. Totally amazing, works like a charm. Thank you SO much for this!

  91. your posts really works fine without any problem. simple and efficient. I was looking for it and got my 1st stop here and work done on my blog www.rockwithking.blogspot.com Thanks for sharing !! *KEEP ROCKING*

  92. i have huge problems with widgets and stuff like that on my blog.
    any help?

  93. For my blog its don't appear :( ..
    I just follow the step as above...

  94. niceeeee, will add it to my blogs for shore!

  95. can we change the code t show our like fans avatars?

  96. Razaullah did you check the box Expand Widget Templates first? It won't find it if you don't.

    Thank you so much!! It worked great for me

  97. didn't worked for me... :( www.learneveryone.com

  98. Thanx For Such an awesum sharing.. :)

  99. I am having a problem finding the part in my template. I have looked VERY carefully 5x. Can you help me pin point where it might be? Maybe I'm just missing it. Can't wait to get it to work....Thank you in advance!

  100. @Natalee - well use Ctrl + F to find it out. Search for data:post.body Make sure that you have checked the "Expand Widget Templates" option.

  101. Awesome!!! This works for me, but having a minor issue.
    How do I put an extra space between the post & right before the Like box? They are a bit too close together, and on 1 post the box is showing up behind my post photo. www.merelymarie.com

  102. Aneesh: Please disregard my previous message. I think I've figured it out. Thank you so much for helping me make my blog better!!!

  103. Ok...I thought I figured it out, but I haven't got it. Please help. Again, I'm trying to add an extra space between my post and the FB like button. www.merelymarie.com
    I'd greatly appreciate your response. Thank you in advance.

  104. Is it possible to use some code in old tem in blogspot/blogger. I am still using old one and it suites me fine.

  105. Dear shibzzi,

    It works. : ))
    Your suggestione helped me.
    Thank you.

  106. I would like to change Like & Share this... and Become a Fan texts into Hungarian.
    Where can I make these?

    Thank you.

  107. Thanks for this... I'm now using it on my blog. Loved it!

  108. thanks man@! :) now working :)

  109. Not really seeing the part for the second to last step, super new at this and probably asking the dumbest question ever, but scoured the HTML and didn't see it after searching even things like body: under find.


  110. I can't get this to work on mine... any suggestions??
    My URL is http://rafbrat.blogspot.com/

  111. I have no Idea what any of you <><*&^%$$%&*^ are talking about, I'm very old and clueless, I go to the like box page,click on get code,your like box plugin code: - appears w/2 boxes with letters in bold at thew top of each box, I click on get code and nothing^&&*)()&&^%&*$%%$ happens?

  112. hello i need help cos i couldnt find
    Kindly advise me ...stuck

  113. Dude, you have the patience of a saint running a site like this. Dunno how you do it. Keep up the good work.

  114. I cannot find the portion in the blogger template...waaaaaaa... HELP! I have searched for it but cannot locate it.. I can do the top instruction but this 2nd one has me confused... how can I not have that portion like everyone else...is there another phrase I can find to post that 2nd portion?

  115. @Missy - i guess you might have forgotten to check the "Expand Widget Templates" check box. Once you have done that, you can do a Ctrl + F to find data:post.body

  116. Hi Aneesh,
    I have installed this widget on my blog Celebrities Juice, i am not sure why widget blue border is missing.

  117. First thing thanks, althought i did exaclty what the instructions said nothing appears on my blog any idea?
    here's the URL



  118. @Wishmaster - you added it twice, and is appearing twice. :) you will see this only on your post pages.

  119. How i can translate the like box in spanish for mi blog

  120. Hy..i use this box on my blog..under post..and i resize it for my needs and width of post page...but what i cant figure..when i foe example click on like and it shares on facebook it use some banners images from my sidebar .It it possible to add some code or similar so i can control which image will be shared on facebook amoung my post ?? thx

  121. I would like to know if there is a way to control what image is chosen when someone shares my blog on facebook, blog, web 2.0, etc.

    It is currently pulling an image from my sidebar (blog directories) - I DON'T want this image to represent my blog.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  122. Didn't worked foe me.
    Did exactly what you wrote :(

  123. help :(
    i cant find the code : "]]>" and ""

    this is my blog ---> http://zahinasaurthegreat.blogspot.com/

    help please :(

  124. It didn't work for me too. I followed the instructions.. But still nothing happened.. :(

    here's my blog --> htttp://www.liezelgo.co.cc

  125. i pasted the codes asfer filling out information but no fanbx appears. even the blogger accepts the code without any error. was wondering if any tag is missing in the first portion where fanbox holder is defined

  126. Hi, I can see that you're really engaged and helpful so thank you in advance... I followed your steps (clicked the expand widget template box, Cntrl+F'ed for the two phrases and added in the code according to your instructions-- on top of the first and underneath the second-- but nothing appears on my blog, it still looks the same. I've since removed the code bc I didn't want it to mess anything else up...
    any suggestions?
    Thanks so much! http://theinexperiencedlunatic.blogspot.com

  127. @Mystery M - the like box will appear only on post pages and not your blog's home page. you might have missed that. If you delete those 2 green lines of code, then you will see it everywhere, but i think its better to restrict it to the post pages.

  128. Hi there. I added the big "Like" box at the bottom of my posts, as well as the small Twitter and FB one at the top. I then noticed my Facebook widget in the sidebar no longer loads. So, I removed all sharing buttons and it still seems to not work. Can you confirm any of this?

    The URL is http://studio-eleven11.blogspot.com

  129. I just modified this for WordPress, giving you credit for your wonderful creation, and sending people back here to use your tutorial...

    I thought anyone who liked this box, but was using WP might like to know, they can use it too!


  130. You sure made this code to be incomplete to harvest traffic didn't you? Cool strategy but makes people head spinning

    You did not include this on css:

    .fb_like_top a {
    background:url("http://lh6.ggpht.com/_u4gySN2ZgqE/TJ3do-mtwuI/AAAAAAAABrw/NXxp85pCaD0/beafan%5B3%5D.jpg") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;

  131. @psp iso - lol incomplete code can harvest traffic?
    btw, the css that you mentioned is needed only if you want to add a FB fan page/profile link to the like box, and its useless otherwise.

    If you type the facebook fan page/profile link into the second text box and try to copy the code, the code will get updated with that link css.if you remove the facebook link from that text box, the link CSS will be gone. it was actually a method to optimize , and not something to bug the readers.

  132. Great code, great work! Thanks very much!!!

    But is there a way to get to box below each post on the main page? My posts are rarely clicked on individually... they're just read from the main page http://todaywasawesomebecause.blogspot.com

    Thanks for your help!

  133. @Jozef - remove the 2 green lines of code, and you will get what you need.

  134. hi aneesh..thanks for your effort for making this out but it seems like the box is 10% transparent (no borders appeared on blue side) appeared on my blog..

    do u have any idea to fix this out?


    thanks a bunch!

  135. @✖kapan™✖ - you have added invalid comments into the CSS. the format of adding comments in CSS is
    /* comment */

    and not
    <!-- comment -->

  136. @Haz Issa - in your css, there are some invalid lines before
    .fb_like_box {
    and hence the error.

  137. @Haz Issac - remove those invalid lines

  138. Worked like magic; thanks!

  139. Did't get it to work first but then read a little more carefully and found out I had to remove the colored lines. Now it works like a charm! Thank you! Much appreciated! If you have the time, please drop by my blog:

  140. How do i align the Facebook Like Box at the center of my blog pages?

  141. it is not working on my blog. i have used template from shabbyblogs.com. i followed all the steps, but i can't see any box on my blog. :( plz help me...

  142. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this widget! It looks great on my blog! :-)

  143. aneesh : how to add send button like urs to this facebook like box? can u give me the code?

  144. hey aneesh. how to add the send button just like in your like box? please post a tutorial..

  145. can i use this. if i already use other like button

  146. love this so much. Thank you for posting.

  147. hey i can find this in my blog
    plz help

  148. a very big thanks to u.......
    it is working very good.......
    but i have a problem that this like box only showing in post page not in home page.........
    and that like box showing upon the post not under the post........

  149. Thanks lot for the info,
    Can i have a social pluggin pack to show all popular like and +1 boxes together?

  150. Thanks a lot. for this post. but i have problem with it. Blue border is not available in my bos. i found in comments that @Amenda have the same problem. and you also answer her but i cant found that answer helpful for me. please help me if you can here is my blog address.

  151. Blogger Plugins: How if i want to change "become a fan" if people click it will open new tab window. Now if people click that will not open new tab. can u help me ? Thanks

  152. I'm baffled. I have the codes in but it's not working. Any help would be great! http://www.pamelamkramer.com

  153. I see the like box but not the fan background box.
    What have I done wrong

  154. @Trish - you deleted a closing brace by mistake.
    Edit your template, and add a
    .fb_like_box {

  155. It worked but it doesn't show on news feed. Any idea why?

  156. tried inserting the code, I get the fan box but nothing inside.

  157. I tried the code and I got the fan box to come out but with nothing inside, no like or share buttons. Can you please look at www.talesfromthetummy.com

  158. Hello! I followed every step up there and the box won't show up! What I actually did, I copied the two codes into my HTML source. The <html thing i already had it from a previews facebook plugin integration. Here is my blog: http://drafters.blogspot.com/ maybe you can help me. Thank you!

  159. it work for me..
    but, it's show on top my posting..
    i want it's on my bottom posting..
    can you jelp me??

  160. i followed the above procedure correctly but when i save the template all the editing work i have done it delete itself n everything will be gone... i have this problem for all widgets.. i cant save the editing work which i have done..can u help me find a solution.. this is my blog http://itech-byte.blogspot.com/

  161. hi!
    its workin!
    bt "become a fan" is not showing
    could u please check!

  162. @Nuwan - Before copying the code, you didn't fill out this field "Facebook Fan Page / Profile URL ". Did you?

  163. I got the normal like and share button on my blog. and on the top the following code is showing.Please help.

    .fb_like_box { margin-top:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px; border-radius:10px; background-color:#3B5999; border:3px solid #2B2B2B; margin-bottom:10px; padding:10px 7px; width:540px; } .fb_like_top { overflow:visible; padding:0;margin:0 0 5px; width:349px; height:24px; background:url("http://lh5.ggpht.com/_u4gySN2ZgqE/TJ3dpjy9PaI/AAAAAAAABr0/PTUXIS8ykps/fblogo%5B3%5D.jpg") no-repeat scroll left top transparent; } .fb_like_top a { height:24px; width:114px; background:url("http://lh6.ggpht.com/_u4gySN2ZgqE/TJ3do-mtwuI/AAAAAAAABrw/NXxp85pCaD0/beafan%5B3%5D.jpg") no-repeat scroll left top transparent; display:block; margin-left:425px; text-indent:-5000px; }.fb_like_button_holder { -moz-border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px; border-radius:10px; background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; padding:12px 12px 0 12px; width:515px; height:42px; }

  164. Hi, I get en error when I click Like button in your like box, it pops out unformated Add a comment window, see my pic: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/405950_2439741319713_1437206248_1905534_1120094565_n.jpg
    Do you get the same error? I have tried Chrome and IE9, both have the same result. When I refresh the page, Like is still there and everything looks fine...strange ;-)

  165. I know im doing something wrong here. just doesn't seem to be working for me. Please help!



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