Set your photo as background image of Blog

It has been almost 5 months since blogger released the Template Design Tool. Blogger is working on adding more and more features to this innovative Design Tool. The design Tool allows you to change the Blog Background in a few Clicks.Blogger has got a huge collection of images from iStockPhotos which you can use on your blog. Blogger has now gone a step further by allowing users to Upload their on photos and use it as the Blog Background. This feature is not available on your Regular Dashboard..

How to use your Photo for the Blog Background?

  1. You should be using a Template Designed using the Blogger Template Designer
The Background may not look good on all of the Templates in the Template Designer
1.Login to your Blogger in Draft Dashboard at http://draft.blogger .com
2. Go to the Design Link  and Click on the Template Designer
3. Click on Background Image under the Background Tab
3. In the Overlay Window you can upload your own Image
4. Once the upload completes, click on the uploaded image and you will be able to see a live previewimage
5. Click Done and Apply these Changes to the blog.


  1. hello there. i couldn't find the upload image tab. there was only no image tab. can u help please?

  2. post some good tutorials ;)

  3. It's not a post as your status of blog. Every minimal knowledged blogger can easily identify this option on draft. Please don't reduce the status of your site by yourself by posting this type of cheap posts.

  4. Thanks a lot! That was really useful.

  5. Would that cause the site to run slower?

  6. i want to set a car background but there is no such button help me Dear....

  7. I use my site in vietnamese, and i cant see the upload.
    How to make it appear?

  8. Thank so to see that but i cant see the upload.
    How to make it appear?

  9. Thank so much to hear that buti cant see the upload.
    How to make it appear?

  10. you wont see the upload button at your normal Blogger Dashboard.

    Login at Blogger in draft

  11. If you read the whole post you would know it is not released yet

  12. This background image is for the whole blog, is there any way I can set a background image for just a post, infact I like to choose a image for every post

  13. there is no "upload photo" option above the "abstract"

  14. the upload tab doesnt show!!!!!

  15. To those who say that this is a "cheap trick"... Dude, I'm glad to hear you were born already enlightened into the ways of Blogger, but some of us did not have such luck. I've been using the site for a couple of years now but I have no knowledge whatsoever about the "cheap tricks" because, frankly, it wasn't my main focus on there. So I found this advice quite useful. Come off your high horse and if you don't like it, don't read it.

    And thanks for the article. The "so-and-so" images Blogger had to offer were driving me insane :))

  16. I am trying to keep my background fixed and when I add the tags, my background is going all white. What am I doing wrong?

  17. I'd love to change my background this way, but on the draft page (and my own dashboard, too), I'm getting this message under both "Background Image" and "Main Color Theme" -

    Not Applicable for this Template

    I'm using a Rounders template, the standard blue. What gives?

  18. Wow thank you this is just what I have been looking for - great work :-)

  19. Its nice as u explained but in mine blog such codes are not found..
    so How do I do it.. plz check mine once suggest me to change in الشيخ الروحاني
    which part so that i can obtain as you explained here.


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