What can you expect from blogger in the future?

If my guesses are correct,blogger will soon come up with post summaries(+ read more link) and static pages.

Some of you might have noticed the changes to your blogger templates.I have seen some new codes which give me the feeling that something better is coming!


Blogger May Soon have Static Pages like in Wordpress


This code gives me the feeling that blogger too will soon have Pages like in Wordpress

Blogger May soon have the Read more link and Post Summaries. - Blogger has now added this Functionality.

This thing has been around for a while.


This code should probably give the indication that we will soon see post summaries and read more links on blogger..

When will these become a reality.. :)


  1. Thank goodness. I was starting to regret choosing blogger as my platform!

  2. Ooooo! That would be nice. Blogger rocks!

  3. hola como estan espero y participen junto conmigo

  4. como personalizamos aun mas nuestros bloggers. de tal forma que sus miembros se sientan totalemtne identificados

  5. Não entedi direito

  6. Good Good I can't wait for it to come!


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