Numbering your blogger Comments

This trick helps you to number each of your comments under a particular post..Thanks to Fernando of Quite Random for this awesome trick.You can read his original tutorial at Quite Random

I have tried to make it easier for you.. You can implement the trick in 3 simple replacement steps..(and a little SEO is added onto this hack.)

A small Demonumbered-comments-blogger

Steps involved in implementing this trick

1.Login to your Blogger Dashboard

2.Goto Template >Edit HTML

3.Choose to expand your Widget templates.

4.Find this line of Code

<dl id='comments-block'>

and replace it with

<dl id='comments-block'>
<script type='text/javascript'>var CommentsCounter=0;</script>

5.Now find this line of code

<dt expr:class='&quot;comment-author &quot; + data:comment.authorClass' expr:id='data:comment.anchorName'>

and replace it with

<dt expr:class='&quot;comment-author &quot; + data:comment.authorClass' expr:id='data:comment.anchorName' style='clear: both;'>

6.Now find this line of code


and replace it with

<span class='numberingcomments' style='float: right; font-size: 20px;'>
<a rel='nofollow' expr:href='data:comment.url' title='Comment Link' style='text-decoration:none'>
<script type='text/javascript'>

So you should have it working in just 3 replacement steps..:)If everything went well,you should now have a numbered commenting system on your blog.


  1. check out my blog

  2. plz check this url

    the above script of urs is not working at my blog
    can u suggest me what may be the problem

  3. @The King Khan

    follow all the steps mentioned in the tutorial..
    you missed out the counter initialization..
    <script type='text/javascript'>var CommentsCounter=0;</script>

    you should have added this code below

    <dl class='' id='comments-block'>

  4. This didn't work for me. I have tried 5 different tutorials for this and they're all about the same. Any tips?

  5. you have missed out one of the steps.. you forgot do the comment counter initialisation..
    find this
    <dl class='' id='comments-block'>
    and after that place
    <script type='text/javascript'>var CommentsCounter=0;</script>

  6. i don't see this line in your template
    <script type='text/javascript'>var CommentsCounter=0;</script>

  7. @Ramarao both codes are different..
    First one initializes the counter..
    Thse scondone increments the counter and prints it in the comment loop!
    so you have to add both..

  8. this is seriously the most amazing thing ever! this will save me SOOO much time when I run giveaways on my blog. thank you! xo.

  9. Thank you so much! I had to try twice but I got it to work. My code had two different places where I had to insert the line you mention in step one. I just used the find function to make sure I had found both and then it worked.

  10. You´re the best. I love his trick!! =D

  11. seem to not be able to find that first step in my html. :(

  12. pls pls pls can you help out and see why I can;t make it...=( I keep on following all steps (I think I do...)and it is not working for me

  13. @Ooty ,
    i think you missed out on step 4.
    i dont see the comment counter initialisation thing in your template..var CommentsCounter=0;

    you didn't add that part of the code mentioned in step 4??

  14. Your site is very helpful to all bloggers.welldone.

  15. Oh Gawd, please help me. I don't know what the $%# is wrong. I created a test blog to see if I could get this to work and it still is not showing up for me!

    Please email me and I will then send you a copy of my template for you to look at. I need help ASAP because I have 205 followers waiting to see who is the winner of the $75 E-Card Giveaway and I can't get my comments numbered!!!

  16. I can't seem to get this to work. Can you check out my blog and see what I am missing?

  17. I'm hosting my first give-away and would like to add number my comments. I can't seem to get past step 1. I can't find the
    html code even after expanding the widget templates. I used the find function and it's saying phrase not found. I looked manually, but not finding either.

  18. Thank you so much! Aneesh you were a huge help too!

  19. Hi I can't find this line of code "5.Now find this line of code" please help me regards

  20. I cannot find this piece of code in the template I am working on "data:commentPostedByMsg".

    Is there a variation of it I should be looking for?

  21. It works fine..Thank u soo much for this easy to implement code!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Its not working for me...Help me.

  24. I'm having trouble getting the numbers to show up. I think I've got everything copied correctly in the html. Am I missing something?

  25. @Sarah - Find <dl expr:class='data:post.avatarIndentClass' id='comments-block'>
    and change it to
    <dl expr:class='data:post.avatarIndentClass' id='comments-block'><script type='text/javascript'>var CommentsCounter=0;</script>

  26. Thanks for the tutorial. after reading this last comment from you, it finally worked for me.

  27. Hi I am still having the same problem. The template is a WP conversion. Please help me.

    Original comment:

    I cannot find this piece of code in the template I am working on "data:commentPostedByMsg".

    Is there a variation of it I should be looking for?

  28. I tried this a few times and I am not seeing any numbers, can you tell me what I may have missed.


  29. @Bucktown Bargains - you have added the code of step6 twice. thats why it is showing numbers like 21 and 43

  30. it didn't work for me! all is done! I see all the steps,are good...WHAT'S PROBLEM??

  31. Sigh....Can you pretty please help me? I don't know what I did..but this is not my first attempt trying to number my comments.
    Please help!

  32. @mary - which blog do you have the code on?
    @KatieBug - i don't see the codes on your blog. did you remove them?

  33. I am trying to follow your directions but I don't have dl id='comments-block' in my template. I am not sure where to add the first part. Thanks!

  34. Please help! I'm really have a problem with this.
    I'm pretty html savvy, and I've tried 3 different tutorials now for this, and I can't seem to get it to work. Can you see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks a bunch!

  35. help me, i dont know whats wrong T__________T

    thankyou aneesh :D

  36. Hello :)
    I'm trying to get this to work as well and I'm good up unil #6. I don't have that line of code in my blog, even after expanding widgets.

    this one -

    Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

  37. I did all of the steps and no numbered comments appear.

  38. didnt work for me...

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  40. I got the numbers, but they aren't the right numbers...they are a bunch of random and very LARGE numbers...

  41. Hi,
    I'm kinda stuck.
    No numbers.

  42. Here's my blog

  43. Thank you so much! This revolutionizes my giveaways! ;-)

  44. i dont have the first line of code on my blog anywhere. what should i do?

  45. Hello!

    There is no: dl id='comments-block' code in my template. I've expanded the widgets, but it's not there.

  46. Help :).No not my numbers appear in the comments ..
    I've done all the steps but it did not work ..
    Thank you,

  47. Drika stupid blogger changed the comments to nested at the first of the year and numbering no longer works for any of us. Spent all morning looking for a solution and have not found it

  48. I spent a few minuets my self on this hack, no worky.


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