Back To Top / Scroll To Top Widget For Blogger / Blogspot

You might have seen a Scroll to Top or Back To Top button on many sites and blogs.You can see a similar button here on my blog.

Ok what is the advantage of using a scroll to top or back to top widget?
When you add the scroll to top widget you will get a button on the right corner and when a user clicks on it he can get back to the top of the blog.

  • How to Install the Back to Top Widget for Blogger

  • I hope this will improve your blog's navigation interface.This will provide them with an easy way to get back to your blog's top.

    Note: If you are reading this in a feed reader, the widget installer maynot work.In that case visit the atual post


    1. Great widget......... needed this one badly...


      check this one in action at

    2. Most easiest way to add a button like this! Thanks so much!

    3. thank god youa are back i have been watin for new post since 1 years.......

    4. @ all thanks for the nice words buddies.. :)

    5. nice widget will be useful for long pages

    6. great blog, but its template and the ads in between is really irritating. Its hard to stay on ur blog if someone is getting same info somewhere else... try to improve.

    7. Hey, I installed this widget and it worked correctly on the website/blog, but when I go to the "layout" area on my dashboard... I'm unable to scroll, it just stays fixed and I have tons of stuff on the layout area. I restored my template to how it was previously. I will really like to use this add-on/widget, can u help please?

    8. i tried to add this but my layout page froze. i later went back in and removed it. but when i go to my blog now, there's a red X within a square (like a picture that can't be shown) at the far right bottom corner of my screen (not even in the sidebar or main body of my page). when i click on the X, it takes me to the top of the page. this is the url that comes up under its property box:, which led me back to you. i know i removed the widget, and i can't find the code in my html. so how do i get rid of it????

    9. Thanks so much for this! :)
      So easy to install the widget, lol. Great post!


    10. Used this widget too..Thanks again..!!

    11. thanks for ur informations....i will try...

    12. It didn't work at all on my blog. Tried a few times, even tried moving it (the widget location) and then tried to copy/paste code into the HTML editor. No success. Oh, well. I guess that's why there's a Home and End key on the keyboard, right?

    13. doesnt work do we have to add something to code?


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