Reactions on Blogger

Blogger has added a reactions Feature for us. It helps the visitors to react to your blog posts in an interesting way. Blogger has got a default set of reactions(funny, interesting, cool). You can edit them and add your own. If you want to see a preview of how this looks, then go to this post page and mark your reactions :) I you are interested in implementing the reactions feature on your blog, then read on and follow these simple steps.


How to Enable The reactions Feature?



  1. Login to Your Blogger Dashboard
  2. Go to Design > Page Elements and Click on the Edit Button near the Blog Posts Gadget and check the “Reactions” Optionimage
  3. If you want to edit the Reactions, then click on the Edit link near to the reactions.image
  4. You can Drag and Drop the “Reactions” and place it where you want.image
  5. Now if everything went right, then you should be able to see the Reactions Feature on your Blog. If not then read on. :)
  6. If it didn’t appear then don’t worry, That is because you are having a modded template. Just Go to the Edit HTML page under the Design Tab , Check the “Expand Widget Templates”  Option and locate
    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

    Or if that is not there then find

    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

    Or if that is not there then find


    and place the  following code  just below any of these lines[whichever is present in your template].

    <span class='reaction-buttons'>
    <b:if cond='data:top.showReactions'>
    <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>
    <td class='reactions-label-cell' nowrap='nowrap' valign='top' width='1%'>
    <span class='reactions-label'>
    <td><iframe allowtransparency='true' class='reactions-iframe' expr:src='data:post.reactionsUrl' frameborder='0' name='reactions' scrolling='no'/></td>

    and Save the template


  1. i could not add more than 5 options for reactions.. could you help me?

  2. Works great as explained for modded templates! I'm now trying to decipher how to put Reactions on my blogger pages as per the advanced options mentioned here:

    but not having much success. any insights to offer there? TIA!

  3. THANK YOU, this was driving me absolutely insane. now my only problem is it's not displaying all three of my reactions, just the first two. any suggestions?

  4. Haha, I've realised what my problem was... I added the semi-colon between reactions instead of the comma, so there was only one box to click. Lol. Thanks for the post. Hope everyone gets their reactions sorted :D

  5. Oh, thank you! This drove me crazy for almost a year, and I gave up. Now, if you could only help me find a way to get back my Quick Edit pencil and NavBar so that my blog realizes that I am, indeed, signed in, I'll name a star after you. (I'd make you a saint, but I'm just not that well-connected.)

  6. that s cool ! it worked for me in its fine and going ..have a look at Thanks !!

  7. Woho! Thank's, been trying to get this to work like forever!

  8. i can't get 'links to this post' and 'share buttons'. help!

  9. Is it possible to change the design of it? I wanted to change margin-left and the fon-family and i have no idea where...? Thanks:)

  10. This is a great feature, thank you for making it easy to use. I wonder if there is a way to edit or moderate the reactions - if somebody maliciously manipulates the reaction score for example?

    Is it possible to save out the reaction scores?

  11. Hi,
    Is is possible to show reactions in only selected posts? For example, I have certain posts as reviews and I want reactions in them. Some other posts are about authors, and I don't want reactions in them. Is this possible?
    (All pages about authors, have the label as 'authors'. Is it possible to check this with if cond and display reactions?)

    1. yes, it's possible with some major template hack. Could you post this onto our forums so that I can reply back with the required code changes. The comment form is not so nice to post big code snippets :-)

  12. OK...I'm not showing the share or reactions widgets, and I cant find any of the code's you point to above. I have tons of stuff around "Data Post Comments" then it seems to go to "Data Post Blog" stuff, with no acknowledgement of the other widgets at all!

    I have a tree-column modified 'Minima' which used to have about 400 lines of code and now goes to 2058 - thanks Google!

    I'd appreciate any help you can give me...weird thing is my other blog - which is identical doesn't seem to have the same problem and is showing them both? Maybe I just cut and, I'd lose all the stuff in the side columns?

    Problem Blog: smallscaleworld.blogspot
    OK Blog: Airfixfigs.blogspot

    My email is on them...funny thing is I did a Dreamweaver seminar before Christmas, it's not helping! I just recognise the mess I'm in!


  13. I seem to have sorted it, but it wasn't easy. I had to add test pages and widgets to the smaller Blog to get it's code to resemble the older Blog, then going through line by line with the two side-by-side I found the 2nd of the three options you give (it was a red bit, I'd been looking for brown bits!), the reactions are the same as above in text and positioning...but the share buttons (which also weren't working) had different text to the text you've given

    [*div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'*

    *b:include cond='data:post.sharePostUrl' data='post' name='shareButtons'/*


    (arrows replaced with asterisks) and it went before the line you quote? with an end-span before the text to be pasted and a second end-div after the above one?

    You may want to delete this as it's on the wrong post and contains code, but I thought you'd want to know because you clearly know more about this than I do and you might want to update the other post?


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