Yahoo Search Widget Blogger / Blogspot

I have mostly seen google search boxes on most blogs.So i thought of implementing a cute looking yahoo search box widget for blogs.The yahoo search widget can search either your blog alone or the entire web.This is just a simple search widget which will nicely fit into your blogger sidebar..

This search box has the yahoo branding logo inserted within the search box.By default the search widget will search your blog.The user can opt to search the entire web if he wants..
Your blog must be properly indexed by yahoo for this to work efficiently..
The To install the widget you may use the widget installer below..

Note:-If you are reading this in a feed reader the widget installer may not be displayed properly..So just visit the original post to get it installed..


  1. thanks for the comment.. you have disabled access to our blogger profile .. so i can't see your blog.. :(

  2. Thanks for taking the time to check if the plug in worked on my blog.....I wondered why it wasn't up and running, Now it's fixed.....cheers again SHAREMYART

  3. that's cool!

    thanks for sharing this..

  4. Hey Aneesh! I'm making the move to a new blog and popped you on my blogroll. =) I couldn't get the comments to work at the old site (Dance of Motherhood) and made a jump with Disqus.

    lol - still haven't made up my mind at Muthahood Crib, but will hopefully get it figured out soon. Thanks for all your help!

  5. @Dette thanks a lot for supporting me..

  6. okies thank you..
    i hv also problem in having the subscription wigit!

  7. Nice Tip ... but I am n't happy with Yahoo!

  8. wahhhh informasi yang bermanfaat nih

  9. thanks for helpand information

  10. I need a help with the archive display in blogger template. The default display by months is fine with me - but if someone clicks on the arrow in front of the month - all posts for the month are displayed in one page which is crazy!
    how do I stop that from happening?

  11. Not a great fan of yahoo, though liking this, thanks!!!

  12. this is a great widget, just what i'm after. Thanks

  13. Aneesh,

    First off, I want to say thank you for providing such a wonderful blog with all these great hacks and tips. They are very usefull and it is very appreciated.

    I also wanted to know if there was a way to ban a specific IP address or group of IP addresses from posting comments on a blogger site??
    I know that feature is available with other sites and forums too, but to my knowledge, I don't know if that is available for blogspot?

    Any assistance with this would be wonderful! :)

    Thanks, and I look forward to your reply.


  14. Could you tell me, please, how did you insert the adsense code bellow the blog name, I have the same type of template, thanks

  15. @Alex just place the parsed adsense code after

    <p class='description'><span><data:description/>

    Parsing of adsense code can be done at Blog Crowds

    Show me the results after you have done thos.. :)

  16. This is so awesome. Thank you for sharing this.

  17. Just adding your widget to my blog...thanks a bunches!!


  18. Thanks for the widgets.I have added this to my blog.

  19. Thats good information. Your blog has google search widget. How do you get that?

    are you still maintaining this blog? I dont see any new posts since 2008.What are you working on now? Thanks

  21. Thank you for helping us blogging dummies!! I have one question about the label cloud...All my text is one size - how can I make some large and some small like yours?

  22. For some reason I'm having a hard time getting any of these widgets to work.

  23. Very cool good job on this. I haven't seen any kind of yahoo search in a blog before. This is unique

  24. Such widgets are really cool as they create a good impression on visitors.

  25. re: Blogger Title

    I checked before I even altered the format of my HTML layout, it has always looked like [Post Title] - [Blog Title] on my window... which is why I miss where the code actually helped.

  26. I tried this but only got a widget that says "label cloud" and no cloud! What did I do wrong?

  27. can i use a yahoo search widget on a blogger blog that uses google adsense or would google see this as a conflict of interest to my adsense program?

  28. Oh so sad.. this blog haven't updated quite sometimes.. I am still wondering how you do the Hide/show comments here...

  29. Hi Aneesh, sorry to bother you, but my widget isn't working, how do you index by yahoo?

  30. with the most femes comment...NO KOMENNNNNNNN........

  31. wew, great.....relly usefull...thx so much....

  32. thank u..this widgets are really cool and they create a good impression on visitors.


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