Label Cloud Widget For Blogger / Blogspot

A tag cloud or label cloud for blogger is a visual depiction of all labels used on your blog.You can see a demo of the Label cloud for blogger(blogger label cloud) here on my site. This Tag Cloud Widget was originally developed by phydeaux3. This is a modded version of phydeaux’s Cloud. This is much better than the Blogger’s Default Label Cloud. First of all Go to Your blogger Layout > Page Elements page and add a Labels Widget there..You can Do that using the Add a Page Element Option on that page.image After Adding the Label Widget Go to Layout > Edit Html (Do not expand the widget templates for the sake of easy explanation) You will find some code similar to
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'/>
Now Replace that with
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div expr:class='&quot;widget-content &quot; + data:display + &quot;-label-widget-content&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:display == &quot;list&quot;'>
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
<span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><></span>
<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>
<b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>
<span dir='ltr'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>
<div id='labelCloud'/>
<p align='center'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var cloudMin = 1;
var maxFontSize = 30;
var maxColor = [35,130,196];
var minFontSize = 13;
var minColor = [35,130,195];
<b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>
var lcShowCount = true;
var lcShowCount = false;

// Don’t change anything past this point -----------------
// Cloud function s() ripped from
function s(a,b,i,x){
var m=(a-b)/Math.log(x),v=a-Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m)
var m=(b-a)/Math.log(x),v=Math.floor(Math.log(i)*m+a)
return v
var c=[];
var labelCount = new Array();
var ts = new Object;
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
var theName = &quot;<>&quot;;
ts[theName] = <data:label.count/>;
for (t in ts){
if (!labelCount[ts[t]]){
labelCount[ts[t]] = new Array(ts[t])
var ta=cloudMin-1;
tz = labelCount.length - cloudMin;
lc2 = document.getElementById(&#39;labelCloud&#39;);
ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);
ul.className = &#39;label-cloud&#39;;
for(var t in ts){
if(ts[t] &lt; cloudMin){
for (var i=0;3 &gt; i;i++) {
var fs = s(minFontSize,maxFontSize,ts[t]-ta,tz);
li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;); = fs+&#39;px&#39;;
a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);
a.title = ts[t]+&#39; Posts in &#39;+t; = &#39;rgb(&#39;+c[0]+&#39;,&#39;+c[1]+&#39;,&#39;+c[2]+&#39;)&#39;;
a.href = &#39;/search/label/&#39;+encodeURIComponent(t);
if (lcShowCount){
span = document.createElement(&#39;span&#39;);
span.innerHTML = &#39;(&#39;+ts[t]+&#39;) &#39;;
span.className = &#39;label-count&#39;; = &#39;rgb(&#39;+c[0]+&#39;,&#39;+c[1]+&#39;,&#39;+c[2]+&#39;)&#39;;
else {
abnk = document.createTextNode(&#39; &#39;);
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<span expr:class='&quot;label-size label-size-&quot; + data:label.cssSize'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:label.url'>
<span expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'><></span>
<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url'><></a>
<b:if cond='data:showFreqNumbers'>
<span class='label-count' dir='ltr'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>
<br/>Powered By:<small><a href=''>Blogger Gadgets</a></small>
<br/><small><a href=''>Label Cloud for Blogger</a></small>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
Now find
and replace it with
#labelCloud {text-align:center;font-family:arial,sans-serif;}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li{display:inline;background-image:none !important;padding:0 5px;margin:0;vertical-align:baseline !important;border:0 !important;}
#labelCloud ul{list-style-type:none;margin:0 auto;padding:0;}
#labelCloud a img{border:0;display:inline;margin:0 0 0 3px;padding:0}
#labelCloud a{text-decoration:none}
#labelCloud a:hover{text-decoration:underline}
#labelCloud li a{}
#labelCloud .label-cloud {}
#labelCloud .label-count {padding-left:0.2em;font-size:9px;color:#000}
#labelCloud .label-cloud li:before{content:&quot;&quot; !important}

Save your template and now you should get a working Label Cloud On your Blog.

You can Configure the Gadget from the Gadget Options image

Additional Tweaks

These tweaks are optional. Proceed further only if you want to customize the cloud to a better level... Changing Cloud Colours: you can change those colours editing the code a little bit.. you will have to expand your widget templates and modify these 2 lines of code var maxColor = and var minColor = you have to specify the RGB values there separated by commas..If you are sure of what should be the hex codes of the maximum and minimum colors,then you can use this convertor to convert the hex value to RGB values..If you are not sure of what the hex code of the colors are then have a look at this. Changing the Font Sizes: You can change the font sizes by editing these 2 lines of code var minFontSize = and var maxFontSize =


  1. Thank you for such an EASY method. I truly appreciate it.

  2. I tried this but blogger sure didn't like it. I kept getting that xml tags are not well formed error :(

  3. seems like you have expanded the widget templates while performing this tweak.. otherwise it should work fine!!

  4. Hi Aneesh!

    This is not my night for anything to work!
    I got this going just fine. My problem was taking the code out of blogger and putting in into Dreamweaver. Once I did the editing in blogger it worked just fine.

    I'm laughing now though because my tag cloud is enormous!

    Thanks for the quick assistance Aneesh. Love your site :D

  5. you are welcome!! nice to have you here.. :)

  6. how can the color scheme applied to the links in the label cloud be adjusted?

  7. you can change those colors editing the code a little bit..
    you will have to expand your widget templates and modify these 2 lines of code

    var maxColor =


    var minColor =

    you have to specify the RGB values there separated by commas..If you are sure of what should be the hex codes of the maximum and minimum colors,then you can use this to convert the hex value to RGB values..If you are not sure of what the hex code of the colors are then have a look at this. If you still need more help,feel free to contact me..

  8. Thank you SOOO much!! I spent a good 40 minutes searching for a simple, attractive tag cloud - and yours was PRECISELY what I was hunting for!! I love it... tho my tag cloud is HUGE, and I've spent the last two hours consolidating tags!! LOVE IT!! SIMPLE!! THANKS!!

  9. Thanks for the comment on my blog, Aneesh - I may play around with the colors... your instructions are quite clear, so shouldn't be a problem!! I just added the Outbrain widget, too... but I don't like the way it automagically adds a vote box to ALL my postings, no matter how old. I wanted to add vote boxes only to certain posts (e.g. my digiscrap freebies). So... will continue to hunt for that feature! Good luck with your designs!

  10. Aneesh, I changed the colors - it was dead easy, using Photoshop to pick a dark and a light that matched my blog colors. THANKS AGAIN - LOVE THIS WIDGET!!

  11. I liked your other blog template. Probably because it had more colors

  12. thanks.. i will soon try to make up a new custom theme.. :)

  13. i encountered an error when i tried to install the label cloud but i found the error right and the important thing is im not used to be with these html tags the error was it did not allow to use two label1 widget and my label widget got no 2on itso changed your

    (your commenting option is not allowing me to use html sso im taking them off)

    :widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'


    widget id='Label2' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'

    and saved it thanks a lot


  14. you got the error because you have 2 label widgets and you tried to change <b:widget id='Label2' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'> with the big code i gave..!!
    and you cant post html in blogger comment forms unless it is parsed...

  15. i"m so sorry... but i'm a simple life form. I love this widget, but i'm just not capable of understanding how you use the hex code color value blahblahblah and convert it to the RGB blahblahblah to change the color of the label cloud from alien green to a color of my choosing. but I am able to cut and paste! any chance you could just tell me the lines to replace with what would turn the words in the label cloud to a sky blue?

    THANK YOU!!!

  16. thanks for making it easy!! and for the color alteration instructions!! :)

  17. @Night Morrisey..

    Just expand your widget templates and replace
    var minColor = [0,0,0];
    var minColor = [59,185,255];

    and replace
    var maxColor = [0,255,0];
    var maxColor = [53,116,236];

    and you should get what you need!!!

  18. thanks i really do like this label cloud ... it made myprevious labels more interesting.. as for the size.. i think its good for me.. its the exact size that i want... thanks so much... i have even tried the top commentators and really like it..was wondering if you have something like popular post widget.. as i have been trying to look for it.. anyway i'm so thankful..

  19. Do you realize that the cloud defaults to a single vertical line of labels in Internet Explorer while it is perfectly fine in Firefox? Even your own site viewed in IE shows the cloud as a single word vertical column.

    Any fix for this?

  20. Yes, I reverted to a template prior to installing your label cloud setup and then followed the instructions from Phydeaux3 and am happy to report that my cloud looks the same in both Firefox and IE. There is something amiss with yours.

  21. thanks for notifying me.. i have changed the instructions so that it works fine.. the css part should be in the head section for that to work.. :(

  22. Godbless you again Aneesh
    keep up the good work

  23. How do you change the color? I used the widget, but it doesn't look as what it should look like. Can you please tell me what i did wrong, and how to fix it?

  24. can u just read the comments at my blog and try to fix the color issue.. i have explained it in my comments.. please read it.. if that doesn't help,please contact me.. don't misunderstand me.. i am a lil busy at college.. dats y.. if that doesnt help feel free to contact me and i will definitely help u with it.

  25. It's still not worinking for me. It's only green. As you can see I need pink. Sorry to bother you. I've been searching for some time now.

  26. Thanks a lot.... It worked for me..!

  27. how to change its color? from green to yellow? can i edit it?

  28. hi... I 've just changed a new template... I have been using the label cloud and enjoy it alot but for some apparent reasons this label cloud doesn't seem to work with my new template . the labels kept showing in vertical form instead of in cloud form ... I have been trying for more than 10 times and still unable to do it.. Please help me... Is problem was because of my template

  29. Thanks for the instructions, it helped now i have label cloud on my blog/website

    But please, tell me how can i change the colour of the text from green to a colour matching my blog, please tell me where to change, i'll change the code then i know html a bit!!

    Thanks again!!

  30. Thanks for the cloud. I do wish the lettering came in colours other than neon green though.

    Thanks all the same!

  31. Another cool addition, thanks

  32. so nicc.. and amazing post..

  33. excellent post i will come on and read

  34. really nice... I will use this soon... jiji

  35. Thanks! that's the simplest tag cloud walk through ever. Now we'll all have our heads in the clouds. Best widget fad EVER.

  36. Thanks 4 this tutorial...u can also update with this Tag cloud blogumus (bloginfotips)...nice

  37. Hi,

    Is there a maximum number of labels that the "tag cloud" can handle? After working nicely, my cloud just went down after that I had tagged some old posts :(
    Any help appreciated!

  38. Hi,

    My label cloud just went down after me labeling some old posts :( My cloud was getting huge, but is there a maximum number of labels that you are allowed to use? Could that explain why the cloud disapeared from my blog?

  39. It seems to be able to change only from a color to another color. I do have a query here, is it possible to make it min = red and max = indigo but passes through in rainbow colors? Anyone..?

  40. i think when we compare the hex values the min should be indigo and the max should be red..

    Refer the comments here to know how to set the min color as indigo and the max color as red..

  41. Thanks! Love it! and you have such great directions!

  42. Is there a way to limit which labels are used? Like if it hasn't been used more that 10 times, it isn't included in the cloud?

  43. What a cool plug in. I have to try this one out on my site.

  44. oh thank you I had wondered for ages how to have a cloud and now I have done it!! yippee thanks

  45. I've created a tag cloud that is animated and shows the relationships between tags based on co-occurance... check it out at
    Animated Tag Cloud

  46. worked fantastically 1st time, thanks!

  47. hi...this is the first code that i have found that i actually got to work on my blog. so i have the cloud on my blog, but how do i change the colors to match my layout??

  48. great! I never imagined it actually there's something like this widget in blogger

  49. It's work see it my site


  50. oh it looks great now!
    i loved this idea of a cloud ever since i saw it on the TAGS app on orkut.

  51. how come i can't get it to center? i'm using K2 template.. It is set to center but it keeps aligned to the left.. please help, it's driving me crazy!!!

  52. thanx a lot aneesh....your site is rocking...

  53. how can i post this in a classic template?

  54. I'm having trouble with step 2.

    I get this errors:

    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.

    Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? I do not have the 'expand widget box' clicked.

  55. Wow. Thanks a lot! I tried three different online instructions and this is the only one that worked. Thanks again!

  56. I'm sorry, new to blogging etc but what's a label cloud, what does it do?

  57. wow,, really a good widget,, but i have a slow connection so i put back from my blog... T_T

  58. is there any ways to increase the width of the label cloud?

    it seems that labels are being squeezed into that box.

    anyone? please and thanks

  59. Thank you about the label cloud!

  60. This is really hard for me to install.

  61. thank you SO much! works awesomely! <3

  62. where do i find the "skin" part

  63. and y some of the labels larger than others

  64. *y arent some of the labels larger than others

  65. seriously, that was so easy even i could figure it out...even the color part!


  66. Hi, I followed all the steps exactly and all that is showing up is link back to this blog, any suggestions on how to get it working?

  67. How do I change the color for the label cloud??

  68. I have a question.

    Do we copy and paste the entire 1st box above or stop where it says

    // Don't change anything past this point -----------------

  69. it's working fine for my blog but problem is it's displaying all labels. can i cut it short. Another thing is i want to place at footer ,but i do not know how to it.

  70. I have used this several times whenever I customize my blog and it works every time! I even changed the RGB values to fit with my color schemes with no problems. Thanks!

  71. This step by step tutorial is the easiest, I'm no techie but I've installed this on my blog!! I tried the others but either it didn't work or the directions were super complicated.. Thanks for the tutorial..=)


  72. Hey Aneesh
    Thanks much for this simple setup instructional. Esp the last important bit, the hex and RGBs. ;)
    Have used it on my blog. Easy like you promised.

  73. This is a simple to install and easy to customize widget. It worked on first attempt. Thank you so much...Thomas

  74. Never imagined I could do something so technical. Perfect instructions thanks

  75. Hi, many thanks for your post! At last, I can have a label cloud on my blog! God bless.

  76. this was really helpful, thanks so much for the simple explanation ;)


  77. Not working. The label cloud is there but it
    s empty.

  78. Thank you! This made it very easy and it worked the first time I tried it!

  79. code is not working for me. says "head" tag must be parsed with end tag ""

    Please check the code.

  80. Great information. Whipped out a label cloud and personalized the colors in less than 10 minutes. Took a few extra minutes to figure out that hex converter thingie, but once you get that, it's a cinch. Thanks!

  81. I want to thank you very much for the tip. I already installed it on my blog.

    I did some modification to the colors, but is there a way to change the labels in particular, like size of some or font?

  82. hiiiiiiiiiiiiii thanks for good comment it worked on my blog thanks again

    see my blog

  83. @MixMac

    To change the font sizes
    edit the lines
    var minFontSize = 10;
    var maxFontSize = 25;

  84. Hi Aneesh
    I had the label cloud but I messed it up somehow and now I'm confused. Stupidly I didn't save a the original template. Is there anyway I can start it again?

  85. offcourse you can...

    just add a label cloud again and follow the first part..

    Don't follow the second part that is replacing the ]]></b:skin> thing with the css..

  86. oooh yea, well it's done, thanks. Weird how the first letter on the label cloud is obsured though.

  87. @Doolallysally you are welcome.. i don't find anything weird about the first letters. can you explain?

  88. The A on Autumn which is the first word on the label cloud is only half visible.

  89. its fine for me here on firefox..

  90. Never mind, must be just me! Thanks so much for all your help though.

  91. yea i have mentioned that you can change the font size by adjusting the font variables minFontSize and maxFontSize

    The size of the cloud label is determined by the number of posts under each label.So it is not actually random sizes.Those sizes are assigned based on an algorithm actually ripped off from

  92. this is my error

    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.

    please help me thanks

  93. @Tan

    did you replace this properly as mentioned?

  94. It will not work for me. Could be user error, but whatever the reason it will not work.

  95. @Florian you are welcome!! :)
    @ClassicUniversity what error are you getting??

  96. Thanks that was really easy to do!

  97. thanks for sharing this. this works for me!

  98. Some how i could not able to do the above. The xml statemet termination is not matching with the termination style which we used in the blogger template. Can you do the code modification if send the code in mail plz...

  99. upload the code somewhere and use the contact form to contact me..

  100. Thanks the easiest one I found, having a problem finding the color changing code, but I'm new to this so I'll keep looking. Thanks again :)

  101. @CAROLYN.. what color are you looking for.. i can help you out..

  102. Found the color code, so darn easy thanks again so much!!!!

  103. thank you...i don't even know what html is..but somehow i made it...i'm so happy...^_^
    next step is finding out how to change the color...*i'm not really clever xD*

  104. @noChii cool.. you got a nice one on your blog.. just saw it now.. ;)

    come on fix the colors too.. try converting them to wont be that difficult..

  105. Hi, thanks so much for this! Quick question, in my tag cloud the biggest fonts are always at the top (the ones with the most tags) and the smallest labels are always at the bottom. As I see in your blog and other blogs, you may have one of the larger labels in the middle and a smaller one at the top.. how can I achieve this?
    thank you very much

  106. @Jaz that is because you chose to sort the label widget by the number of posts in it..
    Just edit the widget from the Page Layout Page and opt to order the labels alphabetically..

  107. I'm having the same problem as Tan Chee.
    I can't find the
    skin section you mentioned, even when I have expanded the widget.
    Minima template has something similar, but not exact. When I replace it I get an error

    this is my error

    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.

    What should I do? Any ideas?

  108. The minima template doesn't have the skin section you mentioned. It has something similar, but not exactly alike. When I replace it, I get the same error message that Tan Chee Yong mentioned.
    Any ideas?

  109. This post was a god send. When I first added the label cloud, I wondered if changing the colors of the labels was a bit ocd but alas...I changed the background of my blog to black and of course the min labels did not show. I read your post and was able to change the color of the min label to show up on the blog. THANK YOU!!!!

  110. @Tan Chee Yong just add it to the css part of your template.. i mean the second part involving the #label css thing..
    in your case just place the labels css thing just above
    body {
    @Emily Ruth just do the same thing add it to the css part of your template..i don't have a link to your blog.. so i guess you can figure out where to add the label's css thing.. you just need to add it anywhere in the css part..(hey don't put them within another css definition(i mean don't wrap them within some { } already present..

  111. Thanks so much! It looks great!

  112. problem with closing message it did not work out

  113. @Usedautosale what error did you get.. i had mentioned that you shouldn't expand your widget templates.. hope you didn't..

  114. hey... thnx for this post.... i could make nice lable cloud :D

  115. thnx for post...
    I could create beautiful lable cloud :D

  116. Hello there! I've installed the Label Cloud and got my colors and font size it! However I am getting that there is an error on the page when it loads. Probably nothing too worrying but I don't like error messages:

    Line : 13
    Char : 3
    Error: 'document.getElementById(...)'is null or not an object
    Code: 0

    I've checked my code against what I copy and pasted here and it's exactly the same save just the font color and size changes. I've made no changes to any other code.


  117. Cheers for this guide. This has helped me a lot. My catagories were getting too long with the standard label list!!

  118. @Strange Nature its looks cute on your blog.. the default coloring of the cloud suits your blog..

  119. Excellent tutorial.. love you!! :)

  120. Thanks! This was so much easier than any of the other sites!


  122. Thanks so much for this tut, I have been searching for ages for a way to do this which doesn't make my head explode LOL

  123. @Daddys Girl,The_Katura,Anonymous,Gemma
    Thanks for the nice words!! ~ :)

  124. just wondering is there a simple way of doing it cos i have my blog but i really dont' understand a thing about html code isn't there another way of doing it?
    thanks in advance

  125. Any ideas on my error code by chance? Would like to fix it.

  126. @Mesina where do you see this error??

  127. Hi, I keep getting this error code. Do you know what it may mean?

    More than one widget was found with id: HTML7. Widget IDs should be unique.

  128. Love it!! Thank you for the simple directions!

  129. It comes up after the page has loaded in the left hand corner of the browser. Showing an ''error on page'' It's probably nothing, but if there was a minor detail that would rectify it it would stop annoying the freak out of me!

  130. @Mesina i am not sure what it is..sorry..
    it doesnt show me any error on Firefox 2 or on IE8.

  131. cool awesome! NOW MY BLOG LOOKS VERY AWESOME!
    THANKS Bloggerplugins.

  132. @admin thanks for the nice words.. you may increase the minimum font size..

  133. Ahh ok, perhaps it's just on my end! As long as it isn't causing any problems I'll leave it at that. Thanks Aneesh for looking into it for me! Other than that, I must say that the cloud looks great on my blog - Thanks!

  134. @Mesina you are welcome.. and you can also change the size of the cloud if you wish.. (font size)

  135. After trying several times, I still couldn't get it to work. Might be something to do with my template. The error msg was: Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure that all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.
    My skin line has cdata after it.
    I left the CDATA intact.
    If I removed the ]], I get no error message but I get no clouds and some html appearing at the top of my page.
    Any ideas? Thanks!

  136. I know you have helped LOADS of people but I am having the same problem with it being one straight list. I have had it working before and now no matter how many times I follow the instructions that is what I get. My blog is
    I saw the instructions about CSS but that means nothing to me. Sorry!

    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

  137. Thank you very much and I love it!

  138. grt wrk!! easiest instructions to d most amazing results.. keep up!

  139. Yay! It was so easy... Thank you so much I love it! So much better than the list that is the original widget

  140. it was very easy i hav also put that widget in my blog thanks a lot

  141. hi it didnt work on my blog
    i follow the steps as it is .

  142. Thank you for simplifying the existing widget and with easy instructions to follow. Got it working in minutes!

  143. i would like to have different colors of tag cloud. how to change it? thanks

  144. @ini q i L L s follow the last part of the tutorial to change the colors..

  145. Very straightforward - took about 2 minutes.

    Thank you.

  146. Worked As a charm.....Loved it os simple

    here is the blog where i put this on...

  147. Thanks for this tutorial it works perfectly:)

  148. this is the simplest label cloud widget that i have ever seen.. hats off to you.

  149. Can you check out my label cloud and tell me how to keep the words from touching so much. They are very hard to read. Also, what rgb values for teh max and min will give you a nice rainbow cloud. I have tried this for about an hour and am tired.

    I love the cloud though. Very easy to install.

  150. @ONe PiNK FiSH
    add the line-height parameter to the li

    Find one #labelCloud CSS line in your template and immediately above it,add
    #labelCloud .label-cloud li{line-height:200px;}

    You can change that 200px value to whatever that looks good on your blog..

  151. Love this tag cloud, but of course I had to go screw it up. Had it installed and customized (font colors, min and max font size) and it was working great.

    Then, I was fiddling with the CSS for the site, trying to make the overall font size a bit less microscopically small, and it somehow affected the font size in the tag cloud. Didn't notice it until a day or two later when, of course, I couldn't remember what I had changed [note: I'm a college professor, NOT a programmer!].

    Reinstalled the code, but it's still not working properly. It's not recognizing the min and max font sizes, which I have set to 12 and 24. They are all a uniform size. Blog is Any thoughts?? Thanks!!

  152. Hi, I tried this but the label cloud has no links to it. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I thought the words in the cloud were supposed to link to posts.

    Also, is there any way to make the label cloud smaller?

    My blog is at

    Thanks for any answers you can provide.


  153. Hi Jen,
    yea the labels should link to the respective label pages like in mine.
    btw i didn't see any label widget on your site.. :( did you add the label gadget and did you do the big replacement that i had mentioned.. i guess you didn't :)

  154. Hi Amy,
    actually you have the label cloud working perfectly but you have added some CSS rules which overrides the cloud sizes.

    a, a:visited {
    color: #4A3424;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 12px;
    a:hover {
    color: #4A3424;
    text-decoration: underline;
    font-size: 12px;

    This font-size: 12px; is causing the problem.. Delete those 2 lines and you will get back what you wanted.

  155. Thanks Aneesh! The weird thing is that those lines were in the original code (except the font size was 10, not 12), but it didn't override the cloud settings. Anyway, it's all fixed. Thanks for this great, easy to use widget!

  156. @Amy D'Unger
    you are always welcome!! great to know that it started to work again.. :)

  157. @Computer Enginners,
    the different sizes of the cloud items are based on the number of items under a label.. I think most of your labels have the same number of posts under i right??

  158. @Computer Enginners labels are used to categorize posts.. So categorize them wisely. watz the use if you use the same labels on all your posts.. :)

  159. The first time i used this piece of code it worked. But later after few hours I saw that the long piece of code is not getting saved everytime I save it there it goes away. Whereas the smaller piece of code stays.

  160. i haven't ever heard of such a bug.. i think you are telling that your label widget gets resetted to the original one..

    try adding once again..
    if it still doesnt help try changing the widget id<b:widget id='Label1' (a weird try.. :) ) change label1 to label2

  161. Thanks for really wonderful approach of doing things. I have incorporate this on my blog very easily.

  162. Thank You for the very interesting information. I followed Your instructions and all was OK in my sute
    Best wishes!

  163. it worked perfectly. thank you

  164. Thanks for updating all the informations.

  165. Brilliant, and so simple. If only all the hacks were this straightforward. Thanks!

  166. Wonderful, thanks so much for taking the time to write this for us. Really clear and easy to understand!

  167. Hey this is a great post. Thanks for updating. Your easy methods are definitely going to help me.

  168. thanks.. excellent, i copy this tutorial to my blog that im forgotten again..

  169. Thanks for this info, it helped me a lot.

  170. Excellent post. I really enjoy reading your blog.The keyword sniping links are awesome.Keep it up.Thanks for sharing with us. Keep blogging.

  171. There have been a few people comment about the large number of labels in their cloud. As one person did you can consolidate the labels - which is arguably the best, if not most labour intensive, option for the majority of cases.

    If, however, you have a large number of labels because you genuinely cover off a wide range of topics (or you just can't be bothered to consolidate your labels) consider changing the minimum number of labels for the cloud. An increase from 1 to just 2 can make a significant difference - and if a reader wants to find something more obscure, consider placing your search widget right above or below your cloud.

    The line in the code to change is:
    var cloudMin = 1;

  172. Thx Finally!

  173. This is very straight-forward and easy. Thanks for taking time to create this!


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