Orkut Profile widget for blogs (blogger and others)

Orkut is nowadays becoming more and more popular.So i thought of making up a new orkut profile badge widget for blogger(actually it can be used on any web page). To do this just login to your orkut account and get the following details 1)Your Profile pic Url This can be done by right clicking your profile pic and choosing copy image location 2)Your Profile Url 3)Your Scrapbook Url 4)Your Send message Url 5)Your Write Testimonial Url 6)Your Send Teaser Url Use these details in the widget creator(below) and get the widget added to your blog

Your reviews will be most welcome..If you need anything added please leave a comment here. Preview(Note:-I havent used proper links in the preview.) Note: If you are reading this in a Feed Reader the widget installer wont be displayed.So visit the actual article on the site to install the widget.


  1. niece mate

    will try it in night :)

    happy New yr in advance ;)

  2. Hi. nice tips you have here.
    I'm looking for one in particular that i can't find.

    I want a plugin that breaks the post at main page, like wordpress READ MORE..

    I'll be very appreciated if you help me here.


  3. Hey there I truly reading your blog. You have some nice and useful stuff on it.

    I was wondering if you could teach me how you use googlepages to create an html generator.

    Just like on this post, where you can click on "Add Orkut Profile to Blog".

    You can email me at bestwidgets[at}gmail dot com

    thanks so much!

  4. Thankboz for yourinformation. But i can't usethis widget nd i dont know the url must be write...becouse i'm newby on blogger thanks

  5. Thank you very much for sharing your talent. Most Grateful!

  6. Please tell me how can i add orkut follow option, twitter follow option etc. in one line on my blog

  7. This was very helpful Thanks.


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