Recent Posts Widget for Blogger

The Recent Posts Widget for blogger displays recent post titles and their summaries in your sidebar. You can customize this widget to display the recent posts of any blogger blog that you like. You can customize the number of posts to display, whether or not to display a post summary and even set the size of this summary(in number of characters).

For Further enhancements, you can add your own CSS styling and improve the look and feel of the widget,

How to add the Recent Posts Widget for Blogger?

Before adding the Widget just take a look at the Widget Settings

  1. Blog URL - This should be the URL of a blogger Blog. If you are installing the Widget on the same blog then you can leave this field blank . This field is useful for those who have multiple blogs.
  2. Number of  Posts –  The number of posts to be displayed in the Widget
  3. Show post date – If you want to show the date on which the post was made, then tick this option
  4. Show summary– If you want to show  an excerpt of the post in the widget then tick this option
  5. Summary  Size – This is basically the excerpt size. Anything more than this would be chopped off.

Now that you know about the settings, just click on the below button to add the recent posts widget to  your blog

Add Recent Posts Widget

The Widget will be added to your blog and you will be taken to the Page Elements Page.

You can drag the widget to the appropriate position and save the layout

The coding of the recent posts widget for blogger was developed by Beautiful Beta and Hackospere. A Great Thank You goes to Ramani and Hans for making this awesome widget.

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment here


  1. Nice. I'll try this out.

  2. cool widget!
    just might try it out. :)

    thanks for dropping by!

  3. I do have the do-follow badge ... :)
    just scroll lower, on the ride sidebar.
    thanks for visiting!

  4. @maiylah ok didn't notice it earlier

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog. Do drop by again. Cheers,

  6. Cool! I've been trying to get this added to my blog. I hope it works!

  7. Dude in the sidebar you have a typo error !!!!!"Stumple(Stumble) OR Digg This Blog" .

  8. @satish
    thanks bro for pointing it out..

  9. Perhaps you can share some insight on your bookmark tags. Do you past each one below with appropriate links or do you prepare code prior to and just past to each blog...

  10. you are welcome..!!! your site has a lot of labels..So you may give a try on the Label Cloud..

  11. Hi Aneesh how did you do this hide/show comments in the comment section I like it.


  12. This is a great widget however is there a way to disable the current post? I've put it on my sidebar on the first page.


  13. Nice tip, i will try for my blog.


  14. Cool! Just what I'm looking for! Thanks!

  15. cool... i actually have that widget on my blog... but its up tp five posts only... anyway, the top commentators aren't showing up yet...

  16. Thanks! I use this website often for widget resources, including this one. Great work!

  17. The number is limited by 25 (the rss feed limit)! how do you over come that?
    can you mail me pl?

  18. Exactly what I was looking for thanks. Sometimes I get the feeling wp has some advantages..

  19. great widgets..
    i've search for long for this widgets..
    thanx a lot

  20. Thanks for this widget. This is what I am looking for. Installing it in my blog right now.

  21. some times it displays javascript error and recent posts not display at that time

    plz help

  22. Thanks soo much, I had been having hard time, but thanks to you, my widget is working. Thnx soo much:)

  23. perfectly working on my blog http://
    thanks alot buddy.

  24. Great widget.. i use it for all my blog.. thanks.. keep be blessing...

  25. Check this Recent Post Widget with Thumbnails

  26. @Bryandel it is a good widget.. but it uses the full sized images and scales them using css.. I am currently busy with some PHP projects.. Will soon design a widget with smaller thumbnail images so that they load fast..

  27. @Aneesh actually I already made a script that resizes images but I'm worried with my bandwidth.

  28. @bryandel i didn't mean to say that you should store the images on your server.. Blogger comes with smaller thumbnails you can grab them from the feed..
    I will try to code it using the new Gadget API and add it to the blogger repository when i finish off my other projects..

    If you wanna try just analyse the blogger feeds.. It is more like a Media RSS with thumbnails included..

    BTW are you the original author of that script??

  29. @Aneesh I'm not talking about disk space. It's Bandwidth. they're totally different. My thumbnailer script does on-the-fly resizing.
    I based the script with feedburner for greater compatibility rather that sticking to a specific blog such blogger or wordpress. And yes, I'm aware of media RSS.
    I'm using an open source script and tweaked it because a colleague of mine requested for this feature. I'm just sharing this widget to everyone.

  30. I have find a quick and easy to install and customize Recent Post Widget with thumbnails. You can install it in minute with hassle-free complicated manual code installation.

    You may look at this link for more information :

  31. Hi,

    How do i remove the bullet points dots?

    Please see

    You can reach me on

    Thank You

  32. @Tina,
    there is something like .sidebar li {
    in your template.Just after this line add

  33. I have 3 side bars, I want to toggle 1st and 3rd sidebar closed and middle sidebar should display full page. How to make it?

    I also want my blog from blogspot to display on my website in a very little space in one of the sidebars.. Can I do that? if yes how?


  34. This is cool. thanks!

  35. @shiva to hide or show elements you will have to use some javascript..
    and to make a column to use the full width on a page,you have to use CSS

  36. To Aneesh,
    Thank you so much!
    Its works now,thank you and thank you!!

  37. Thanks for this widget, I really love it. Is there anyway that the font and font color can be changed? I have tried working on this all day and can't figure it out, and would really appreciate some help on this.

  38. @Crystal,
    actually it uses the same font and color as your sidebar!
    but you can surely change colors if you will have to add extra CSS style rules for that particular widget

  39. "an error occured fetching the feed data"

    this msg shown in my "recent posts widget" and "recent comment widget " so how con i repair this problem

    Pls Help me sir !

  40. I used this but the unordered list is not functioning well. Can you help me please? TIA

  41. this is great one, but dear everything is in white..... there should be lil change in the font style of the post/link. can u make it bold?

  42. Aku udah komentar di blog kamu, bales komentar aku ya

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  43. Aneesh,

    Is there a way to hide the last post (=current post)? Thanks!

  44. @Bruxo,
    it will be difficult to hide the current post,but you can remove the last post(the newst post on your blog.) easily.
    To do that add the widget, then edit it and change ?orderby=published to ?orderby=published&start-index=2

  45. Thank you very much for your help Aneesh

  46. Hi, for some reason the posts in my recent posts widget have disappeared. It's just a white box now. Can you help?

  47. Looks great! Is there some way to use the same format for specific posts I'd like to highlight? I've currently got them listed as plain links in the sidebar but now they look pretty shabby compared to this!

  48. I tried the following method for Recent Posts by categoryto list the recent post. which helped to increase my CTR.


  49. Hi Anees

    Regarding Blogger is there a method to have newer comment on the top and older at the bottom ?

    if so let me know . thanks in advance

  50. An excellent widget. Many thanks.

    I do notice though that the number of recent posts to display is limited at 25. Can this limitation be overcome in any way?


  51. Thank you for this widget, I was looking for this for some time.
