Recent Comments Widget for Blogger

The Recent Comments Widget for Blogger displays recent blog comments on your sidebar.You can use this widget to display the recent comments of any blogger blog.You can customize the number of comments to display in the widget, whether or not to display the post name, the comment-date, and the size of the comment(in characters). This widget might encourage your readers in leaving comments on your blog :)

How to Install the Recent Comments Widget For Blogger

Before installing the Recent Comments Widget, take a look at the following Settings in the Widget Installer.

  1. This should be the URL of a blogger Blog. If you are installing the Widget on the same blog then you can leave this field blank . This field is useful for those who have multiple blogs..
  2. Number of comments –  The number of comments to be displayed in the Widget
  3. Show comment date – If you want to show the comment date, then tick this option
  4. Show post title – If you want to show the title of the post on which comment has been made, then tick this option
  5. Summary  Size : If the comment is more than this size in length, then the rest of the comment will be chopped off

Now that you are clear with the settings, click on the below button to add the Widget to your Blog.


Add Recent Posts Widget

Credits : This is  a slightly modified version of the Recent comment widget by Beautiful Beta

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this widget, feel free to comment on.


  1. Thanks for sharing this beautiful widget! Have a nice weekend.

  2. One more nice Widget...

    Grab it!!

    Thanx... ^^

  3. the widget is not working

  4. @Anonymous - you might not have filled in the widget installer properly..Thats why it didnt work..If your blog url is,then you have to give in the widget installer,without using any / at the end or any http:// at the beginning..

  5. I think the site serving the javascript is down

  6. it is working perfectly fine on your blog.. and the javascript host is not down.. :)

  7. @Aneesh

    hi - thanks for the comment - I had a funny thing happen. My original Recent Comments section wasn't working.
    I added a new widget and then *both* were working. I deleted the new one and the old one didn't work.

    Have since deleted the old one and we seem to be back on track - thanks for the taking the time to drop me a comment and for the widget.


    PS had to use the old comment form as Capcha wasn't displaying - I was using Safari

  8. oh, thanks for article

  9. im sorry but the recent comment doesnt seem to work... i had a recent comment widget..but recently it doesn't seem to work so i install yours and its not working either

  10. Love the idea, but when I add to my blog it keeps putting itself on top of the blog posts rather than on my sidebar (and for whatever reason, I cannot move it).

  11. i can't seem to succeed adding the recent comments to my blog..:(

  12. yes, they're working now...thanks anyway:)

  13. Thanks for this widget. I love it.

  14. Oh yeah, that sure is a Helpful widget.. sure make wonders. Thanks!

  15. It says your over your bandwith. Just wondering if you knew

  16. Thank you for sharing this widget also :)

  17. i just added this to my site. thanks for everything. i added you as a favorite as well in technorati.

  18. this widget is too cool! exactly what I was wanting and incredibly easy to install and use....what is the catch? nothing is this easy?!

  19. Não funcionou no meu blog...

  20. I've tried your InLine "Post a Comment" template change, but thus far hasn't worked. I've just switched over to the new "Aspire" template which is just what I've been looking for, but I would like to have the comment bloc at the bottom of new comments, but seem unable to get it. Here's the blog address if you can help at all it would be most appreciated.

  21. @Jim Duval i think its working for you now..

  22. this is awesome

    ali magnano
    richter10.2 media group

  23. Great plugin, Is it possible to improve the code so that the post titles don't have their capitalisation stripped when they show up in the recent comments?

    For example of this see:

    Thanks for the great script.

  24. Hi, I've tried to install this widget on my blog but it won't show recent comments, nothing appears!
    I wonder if this is because my blog is private (you can only enter via invitation)?

  25. @Flo yea it is.. this widget takes your blog's comment feed as input and displays it wont work if your blogs comment feed is not publically available..
    comment feed url is

  26. thanks for letting me know about this widget Aneesh ..
    I've installed on my blog :))

  27. thanks for this! it worked perfectly well for my blog!

  28. thanks for this great widget..i noticed that if the post title is long, or if someone places a long URL link in their comment, the comments appear on one long line that gets cut off inside the sidebar, so you can't see the entire thing anymore. is there a way for the widget to automatically add line breaks to keep this from happening?

  29. Thanks Aneesh, i was looking for this widget since long time , and it is perfect ,very easy to add and worked with me instantly . thanks again and keep us amazed :D

  30. i have a there a way i can customize it? i would like to remove the underline from the links and also to make the authours of the comments appear with a different color. Thanks a lot.

  31. after install, i can't drag anymore all widget..i try to remove back. but i also can't drag after remove..
    please teach me how to back to normal.
    send email to

  32. yes you are right i tried installing it on a test blog and yea the draggability was lost!! It has actually nothing to do with the widget,but it is actually some issue with blogger.
    You will get the same error when you try to install any widget using such automatic installers..
    Actually i have found a strange fix too..
    If you want you can add the widget again!!
    Then goto the Edit Html Page.
    look for a line which almost looks like this with id sidebar
    <b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes' showaddelement='no'>
    If it has a show add element set to yes set it to no.If it is set to no set it to yes.If it doesn't have the showaddelement attribute then add something like showaddelement='yes' into that line..Save the template and navigate again to your Page Elements Page..
    You shoud have the draggability by now..If not try the step once again!!
    And if still it doesnt help, contact me once again!!

  33. @Artchala
    you have disabled comment feeds.So the widget wont work.
    If you want the widget to work enable Comment Feeds from Blogger > Settings > Site Feed

  34. hi!

    i love your site =) i used recent posts and recent comments widgets on my site and i love it!

    the widgets matched my theme. so so perfect! =)


  35. hi
    i installed ur recent comment widget at my log but it shows only 2 comment instead of showing all...what to do...plz url is

  36. hi
    its not that there is only 2 comments in the blog....plzz check these links

    plz help me out...thanx in advance

  37. @shabnam,
    this widget can only display the native blogger comments which are part of the blogger comments feed. It wont display comments made using disqus or some other alternative comment forms. But i think that disqus has got its own recent comments widget to display the disqus comments.

  38. Thank you for this widget, it is very helpful.

  39. Hi Aneesh! Useful widget. Looks better manageable then Blogger's original one. But anyway I have a question, how to change recent comments text color? What should be add to code? Let's say maybe even in mode of variable, that adding variable in CSS and changing it in there later on can change recent comment widget text color.

  40. Thanks from me too!

  41. Hi,
    Lately after clearing cache and enabling cookies again (?) I, all of a sudden lost my recent comments widget. Any tips on how to get it back. I tried re-installing but did not work.

  42. I have installed the widget and it is working fine. But there seems to be a weird issue with the widget in IE. I have a blog with black background and in IE the widget text colors are changed to a crazy violet and electric blue while it shows the normal colors in chrome and firefox. Also the date of the post is in dark color and so is not seen.
    Any idea how to fix it?


  43. I LOVE this comment widget as it allows for free code customization. BUT, is there any way of deleting "commented" after the commenters name? It takes up space and english isn't even the native language for many blogs out there, including mine.

  44. Can i have a widget like they are on Wordpress, where comments are on the top of the posts?

  45. great man..!!! i appreciate your work.

  46. Excellent work dude!!!!


    1 number!!!

    keep going.....


  47. I've tried over and over to add a 'recent comments' widget, and no matter what method I use, once I put in the name of the url ( it comes up on my blog as 'recent comments' but no comments appear. If I leave the default url in the code, it works perfectly - but with comments from your blog, of course! My blog comment feed is set to "full". any suggestions? thanks

  48. @robert butler -- I tested it on my test blogs and it works fine with your url. put your url into the widget installer, click the customize button and then click the add widget to blog button.
