U Comment I Follow Blogger Widget/Plugin

As you guys know the comment field of my blog is do follow..If you too have a blogger blog whose comment field is Do Follow,then let others know of this by adding the Do follow widget to your blog.If you don't know of the Do Follow movement read about it here.. If you are already having a Do Follow comment field for your blog then add the following plugin / widget to your blog

Note: Dofollow Widget is no longer available as i am not a part of it now.
Update: This blog is no longer a part of the DO FOLLOW movement.. I am shutting it down due to excessive comment spam..


  1. Hmmm... I just still can't catch what is no follow and do follow means...

    Can you give me a little description abot it?? :)

  2. I have just joined the movement and made my blog a dofollow.

    If anyone is interested in learing more and would also like to know where to download the dofollow plug-in or "the u comment i follow" logo, you can click the link below:

  3. I am surfing around researching whether to make my blog do follow.

  4. if shut it down.why must delete the tutorial?

  5. hiiii kapan kapan ke blog aku yach.....Foxest.blogspot.com

  6. ok thanks
