First Letter of your Blog post in Capital Letters

This hack will let you make the first letter of your blogpost in Caps like you see in my blog here..See the T is in Caps(with styling).

Wanna get this.So here is the trick

Goto Blogger Template>Edit HTML and


.post t { float:left; color: $headerBgColor; font-size:100px; line-height:80px; padding-top:1px; padding-right:5px; }

Now Goto Blogger Settings> Formatting and insert the following in the Post Template and save the settings.


Now whenever you try to create a post in blogger you will see <t></t> in the Create Post Box Now place the first letter of your blog post within the <t></t> tags.

Here i have placed T within the tags like <t>T</t>his hack will let you(this is how my post begins)

The result is a large Capital that stretches over 5 lines.
Thanks :Beautiful Beta


  1. Thanks for your comment. i can add a link to you. please do the same. You have got some nice tricks. thanks

  2. Thank you for this. I just implemented it. It looks great and classy.


  3. Your implementation looks very nice..and nice to see that you are using the Ramani's Neo Template.. Hope to see you around here..

  4. Interesting....just noticed that thought Firefox renders it fine, IE7 does not seem to.

    Just one more reason I'm glad I switched to Firefox last week!

    Thanks for the comment Aneesh.


  5. yea IE doesn't render it properly. It would be displayed like normal in IE.I mean the first letter will be in your normal Blog Post Font.Thats why i always hate IE

  6. aw aw .. your attention with HANS too...
    xixixixi...he's a great tutor for newbie blogger like me...
    and you great too

  7. You should also give the demo :)


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