Make Spiders to follow your comment

By default blogspot templates make the urls in the comment fiedls as no follow.Means search engines wont follow these links.In my blog the comments field is followed.Means you will get inlinks to your blog(which are followed by search engines).This may encourage commentors to comment on your blog.So if interested you can comment on my blog.Spammers please dont hurt me..

Ok now i should tell you how to implement the do follow attribute in your blog
As i always say open up your template html.

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'<></a>

Delete the one in Bold and you are done..

I suggest you to remove all the rel='nofollow' tags in your template so that you can make sure of it..

I have removed all the nofollow tags in my blog template..So comment on.I am waiting for yours.Any suggestions questions or anything will do.. Update: The comments here are no longer DO FOLLOW


  1. Hello. This is a nice trick. I am a student of bfa - university of Dhaka. I like your site.

  2. I'm not sure this is a good idea.

    btw Nice design GB.

  3. wow thanks man, next time i will create a post in one of my blogs linking here, better yet i might give a permalink here in my sites of interest. it's very seldom we allow the no follow thingy google defaults to be abolished! long live yes follow bloggers

    My personal Travel guide to Asia

    A real love doctor?

    Pics of beautiful asian girls daily!

  4. wow thanks man, next time i will create a post in one of my blogs linking here, better yet i might give a permalink here in my sites of interest. it's very seldom we allow the no follow thingy google defaults to be abolished! long live yes follow bloggers

    My personal Travel guide to Asia

    A real love doctor?

    Pics of beautiful asian girls daily!

  5. thanks for this trick man!

  6. i tried looking at that code in my blogspot blog but couldn't find it.I guess I'll try looking for it again

  7. Nice thing to know, however I was wondering how to make this show/hide comments form, it looks kind a pretty

  8. I love this... I've browsed the site for some time now, added some things here and there in my own blog... the NOFOLLOW thing and I FOLLOW was prolly the best thing to find here. thanks!

    Allthough it's a diff. language, you're of course always welcome to see some of the stuff i grabbed along the way... most notable though, the I FOLLOW thingy. (I'll soon follow up on the entire NOFOLLOW issue)

    J @

  9. This is my first visit to your blog and I'm in love with it in first sight only.I will add your blog in my google reader also .Also my blog is also do follow so you are welcome to visit it and drop comments.


  10. * Could you please tell us what is the advantages or disadvantages of removing no-follow code?

    * Could you please tell us what is the advantages or disadvantages of adding no-follow code?

  11. @Anonymous Removing nofollow codes will make your blog's comment urls to be spidered and followed by search engines. Means some link juice will be given to the urls in the comments.
    Advantage is that you can encourage commenting!

    Adding nofollow (Its nofollow by default)
    This won't give any link juice to the urls in comments.So your readers may not get interested in commenting on your blog because they don't get any benefit of doing it..
    This will help you to reduce spam comments

  12. Thanks for your fastest reply.

  13. Commenting just to say thanks...!!...hope this will work !

  14. thnx for the wonderfull post and funny :D "Spammers please dont hurt me"??
    god be with you.

  15. Aneesh, I have learned a lot from your site, you are a big help to us bloggers.

    Your site rocks!

  16. Perfect. The code works. Thank you Aneesh for the info. Much appreciated.

    Abang Long

  17. i have a will the ppl who visit my blog know that I have do follow??????
    i mean unless I write it in bold nobody will know how will it encourage writing comments??????

  18. thanks for sharing this info. Already remove all rel=no follow on my template.

  19. Nice post.. Thanks for sharing god bless you


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